  • 林英超



    系所別:資訊系 / 資訊所 / AI學程

    電話:06-2757575 ext 62553


    實驗室:電腦架構與晶片設計實驗室 (資訊系館新大樓10F 65A02)



    人工智慧晶片及運算平台、節能可靠計算機結構、電子設計自動化、數位積體電路/系統單晶片設計 、記憶體系統及架構、異質運算系統及架構設計、記憶體內運算


    美國 \ 賓州州立大學 \ 資訊工程 \ 博士(2002 ~ 2007)

    台灣 \ 國立台灣大學 \ 資訊工程 \ 碩士(1999 ~ 2001)


    國立成功大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 教授 (2018 ~ now)

    德國慕尼黑工業大學 \ 電子自動化實驗室 \ 訪問學者 (2021 ~ 2021)

    中央研究院 \ 資訊科學所 \ 訪問學者 (2017 ~ 2017)

    工業技術研究院 \ 資訊與通訊研究所 \ 訪問學者 (2015 ~ 2015)

    加州大學 聖塔芭芭拉分校 \ 電機與電腦工程學系 \ 訪問學者 (2015 ~ 2016)

    國立成功大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 副教授 (2014 ~ 2018)

    國立成功大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 助理教授 (2009 ~ 2014)

    Real Intent \ Timing Closure Verification \ Staff R&D Engineer (2007 ~ 2009)

    賓州州立大學 \ 資訊科學及工程學系 \ 研究助理 (2003 ~ 2007)


    2020 CAD International Contest Chair @ ICCAD (CAD Contest 國際賽主席)

    科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫, 2020-2023

    2019 洪堡獎學金學者

    IEEE Tainan Section 年輕專家 (GOLD) Award, 2016

    ACM 資深會員

    2015 中國電機工程師學會 優秀青年電機工程師

    IEEE 資深會員

    2012 全研科技論文獎 嵌入式系統與電路設計組

    2012 中華民國資訊學會碩士論文佳作指導

    2012 大學校院積體電路電腦輔助設計(CAD)軟體製作競賽 最佳指導教授


    Accepted Papers to be Published

    1. Jilan Lin, Cheng-Da Wen, Xing Hu, Tianqi Tang, Ing-Chao Lin, Yu Wang, and Yuan Xie "Rescuing RRAM-based Computing from Static and Dynamic Faults" IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design on Integrated Circuits

    2. Ing-Chao Lin, Chi-Huan Tang, Chi-Ting Ni, Xing Hu, Yu-Tong Shen, Pei-Yin Chen, and Yuan Xie "A Novel, Efficient Implementation of a Local Binary Convolutional Neural Network" IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems II

    Refereed Papers

    1. Ing-Chao Lin, Da-Wei Chang, Wei-Jun Chen, Jian-Ting Ke, and Po-Han Huang "Global Clean Page First Replacement and Index Aware Multi-Stream Prefetcher in Hybrid Memory Architecture" IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design on Integrated Circuits, vol. 39, no.9, pp. 1750-1763, Sept. 2020(SCI, EI)

    2. Ing-Chao Lin, Wei-Ting Chen, Yu-Cheng Chou, and Pei-Yin Chen "A Novel Comparison-Free 1D Median Filter" IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems II, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 1329-1333, July 2020(SCI, EI)

    3. Jing-Yuan Luo, Hsiang-Yun Cheng, Ing-Chao Lin, Da-Wei Chang, and Chien-Lun Lo "TAP: Reducing the Energy of Asymmetric Hybrid Last-Level Cache via Thrashing Aware Placement and Migration" IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 1704-1719, 2019(SCI, EI)

    4. Ing-Chao Lin, Da-Wei Chang, Chen-Tai Kao, and Sheng-Xuan Lin "Infection-Based Dead Page Prediction in Hybrid Memory Architecture" IEEE Transactions on VLSI (TVLSI) System, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 2401-2412, 2019(SCI, EI)

    5. Da-Wei Chang, Ing-Chao Lin, Yi-Chiao Lin, and Wen-Zhi Huang "OCMAS: Online Page Clustering for Multi-Bank Scratchpad Memory" IEEE Trans on Computer-Aided Design on Integrated Circuits (TCAD), vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 220-233(SCI, EI)

    6. Ing-Chao Lin, Yun Kae Law, Yuan Xie "Mitigating BTI-Induced Degradation in STT-MRAM Sensing Schemes" Transaction on VLSI Systems (TVLSI) , vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 50-62. 2018 (SCI, EI)

    7. Da-Wei Chang, Ing-Chao Lin*, and Lin-Chun Yong "ROHOM: Requirement-aware Online Hybrid On-chip Memory Management for Multicore Systems" IEEE Trans on Computer-Aided Design on Integrated Circuits, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 357 - 369, 2017 (SCI, EI)

    8. Ing-Chao Lin, Yen-Han Lee, and Sheng-Wei Wang "Reducing Aging Effect on Ternary CAM" IEICE Transactions on Electronics Vol.E99-C No.7 pp.878-891, 2016 (SCI, EI)

    9. Ing-Chao Lin* and Jeng-Nian Chiou "High-Endurance Hybrid Cache Design in CMP Architecture with Cache Partitioning and Access-Aware Policies" IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 2149-2161, 2015 (SCI EI)

    10. Ing-Chao Lin, Yi-Ming Yang, and Cheng-Chien Lin "High-Performance Low-Power Carry Speculative Addition with Variable Latency" IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1591-1603, 2015 (SCI EI)

    11. Ing-Chao Lin*, Yu-Hung Cho, and Yi-Ming Yang "Aging-Aware Reliable Multiplier With Adaptive Hold Logic" IEEE Trans. on VLSI (TVLSI) Systems vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 544-556, March 2015 (SCI EI)

    12. Da-Wei Chang, Ing-Chao Lin*, Yu-Shiang Chien, Ching-Lun Lin, Alvin W. Y. Su, and Chung-Ping Young "CASA: Contention-Aware Scratchpad Memory Allocation for Online Hybrid On-Chip Memory Management" IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design on Integrated Circuits (TCAD), vol. 33, pp. 1806-1817, Dec. 2014 (SCI EI)

    13. Kai-Chiang Wu, Ing-Chao Lin, and Yao-Te Wang "BTI-aware Sleep Transistor Sizing Algorithm for Reliable Power Gating Designs" IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design on Integrated Circuits (TCAD), vol. 33, no. 10, pp.1591-1595, Oct. 2014 (SCI EI)

    14. Ing-Chao Lin*, Shun-Ming Syu, and Tsung-Yi Ho "NBTI Tolerance and Leakage Reduction using Gate Sizing" ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC) , vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-12, Sep. 2014 (SCI EI)

    15. Ing-Chao Lin*, Kuan-Hui Li, Chia-Hao Lin, and Kai-Chiang Wu "NBTI and Leakage Reduction Using ILP-based Approach" IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI) , vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 2034-2038, Sep. 2014 (SCI EI)

    16. Yi-Hua Li, Wei-Cheng Lien, Ing-Chao Lin, and Kuen-Jong Lee "Capture-Power-Safe Test Pattern Determination for At-Speed Scan-Based Testing" IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design on Integrated Circuits (TCAD), vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 127-138, Jan. 2014 (SCI EI)

    17. N. Dhanwada, R. Bergamaschi2, W. Dungan, I. Nair, P. Gramann, W. Dougherty and I.-C. Lin "Transaction-Level Modeling for Architectural and Power Analysis of PowerPC and CoreConnect based Systems" Journal of Design Automation for Embedded Systems (SCI EI)

    18. Ing-Chao Lin*, Chin-Hong Lin, and Kuan-Hui Li "Leakage and Aging Optimization Using Transmission Gate-Based Technique" IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design on Integrated Circuits, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 87-99, Jan. 2013 (SCI EI)

    Conference Papers


    1. Yan-Han Lee, Ing-Chao Lin, and Shen-Wei Wang "Impact of NBTI and PBTI effects on Ternary CAM" To appear in ISQED 2013 (EI)

    2. Shun-Ming Syu, Yu-Hui Shao, and Ing-Chao Lin "High-Endurance Hybrid Cache Design in CMP Architecture with Cache Partitioning and Access-Aware Policy" To appearing in GLSVLSI 2013 (EI)

    3. Yu-Hung Cho, Ing-Chao Lin, and Yi-Ming Yang "Aging-aware Reliable Multiplier Design" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on SoC Conference (SoCC) 2012EI

    4. Yao-Te Wang and Ing-Chao Lin "Analyzing BTI effects on retention registers" Proceedings of Asia Symposium of Quality Electronic Design (ASQED) 2012EI

    5. S.-Q. Zheng, I.-C. Lin, and Y.-H. Lee "Analyzing throughput of power and thermal-constraint multicore processor under NBTI effect" Proceedings of Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) 2011EI

    6. C.-H. Lin, I.-C. Lin, and K.-H. Li "TG-based technique for NBTI degradation and leakage optimization" Proceedings of International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED) 2011EI

    7. S.-Q. Zheng and I.-C. Lin "Transaction-level error susceptibility for bus-based System-on-Chip: From single-bit to multi-bit" Proc. of International Computer Symposium (ICS) 2010EI

    8. I.-C. Lin and V. Narayanan "System Level Power and Reliability Modeling" Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition 2007

    9. I.-C. Lin, S. Srinivasan, V. Narayanan, N. Dhanwada "Transaction Level Error Susceptibility Model for Bus Based SoC Architectures" Proceeding of International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design 2006

    10. I.-C. Lin and V. Narayanan "Transaction Level Power Modeling for PCI Express" TECHCON 2005

    11. N. Dhanwada, I.-C. Lin and V. Narayanan "A Power Estimation Methodology for SystemC Transaction Level Models" Proceeding of International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis 2005

    12. N. Dhanwada, R. Bergamaschi, W. Dungan, I. Nair, W. Dougherty, Y. Shin, S. Bhattacharya, I. Lin, J. Darringer, S. Paliwa "Simultaneous Exploration of Power, Physical Design and Architectural Performance Dimensions of the SoC Design Space using SEAS" IP Based SoC Design Forum & Exhibition 2004


    1. Yu-Hung Cho, Ing-Chao Lin, and Yi-Ming Yang "Aging-aware Reliable Multiplier Design" Proceeding of VLSI/CAD Symposium 2012

    2. Kuan-Hui Li, Ing-Chao Lin Li, and Jia-Hao Lin "NBTI Mitigation and Leakage Reduction Using ILP" Proceedings of VLSI/CAD Symposium 2012

    3. K.-H. Li, C.-H. Lin, and I.-C. Lin "TG-based Technique for NBTI Degradation and Leakage Optimization" Proceedings of VLSI/CAD Symposium 2011

    4. S.-Q. Zheng, I.-C. Lin "Mitigating NBTI using Core Rotation and Scheduled Voltage Scaling" Proc. of VLSI/CAD Symposium 2011



    計畫名稱 起迄日期 補助單位
    以非揮發性記憶體為中心之容錯且可重組的運算架構2021 ~ 2024科技部
    具有非揮發性記憶體之容錯節能深度神經網路架構2020 ~ 2023科技部
    具有非揮發性記憶體之容錯節能深度神經網路架構2020 ~ 2023科技部
    考量巨量資料應用之創新混合式雙線記憶體模組設計與讀寫感知資料放置方法2017 ~ 2020科技部
    異質運算之多核心系統設計與On-Chip記憶體管理2015 ~ 2016科技部
    補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究 3D MPSoC 可靠度分析及改善2015 ~ 2016科技部
    可靠3D多核心系統設計(I)2014 ~ 2015科技部
    符合OpenCL運算平台之關鍵系統技術開發與研究-子計畫三:支援OpenCL之多核心系統的On-chip 記憶體管理機制(I)(102-2221-E-006-281-)2013 ~ 2014科技部
    符合OpenCL運算平台之關鍵系統技術開發與研究-總計畫暨子計畫一:符合OpenCL運算之全系統技術開發與驗證平台(I)(102-2221-E-006-272-)2013 ~ 2014科技部
    漏電及老化的最佳化- 整合Pin-reordering, input vector control 及 gate-replacement技術2011 ~ 2012國家科學委員會
    NBTI及HCE對單晶片系統匯2010 ~ 2011國家科學委員會
    系統單晶片互連之老化處理2009 ~ 2010國家科學委員會


    計畫名稱 起迄日期 補助單位
    智慧電子物聯網計畫2012 ~ 2014教育部
    跨領域科學人才培育計畫2010 ~ 2011教育部





    • 2019 中華民國資訊學會最佳碩博士論文獎 (學生柯建廷)
    • 2015 Taiwan IEEE Best Ph.D. Thesis Award - Honorable mention
    • 2015 全國大學校院智慧電子系統設計競賽 核心技術組 優等
    • 2014國際積體電路電腦輔助設計體製作競賽 優等 (陳境圃)
    • 2014國際積體電路電腦輔助設計體製作競賽 特優
    • 2014 IEEE Tainan Section Best Master Thesis Award
    • 2013 中華民國資訊學會最佳碩博士論文獎 (學生王耀德)
    • 2013 IEEE Tainan 最佳碩士論文 (李怡樺)
    • 2013 台灣電機電子工程學會(TIEEE)最佳博碩士論文 優等獎 (李怡樺)
    • 中華民國資訊學會碩士最佳論文
    • 2012 大學校院積體電路電腦輔助設計(CAD)軟體製作競賽 平台開發組 特優


    • Design Automation Conference(2018)
    • Design Automation Conference(2015)
    • Workshop on Compiler Techniques and System Software for High-Performance and Embedded Computer(2015)
    • International Conference on Computer Aided Design(2014)
    • International Conference on Computer Aided Design(2013)
    • Asian Symposium on Quality Electronic Design(2012)
    • International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design(2011)
    • Asian and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 2010(2010)
    • Design Automation Conference, 2008(2008)