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  • Awards

    2022-10-13Normal.  congratulate! 2022 Volleyball Freshman Cup Information Department won the third place!
    2022-09-21Normal.  congratulate! Yang Junhong, a student from the department, won the special prize in the 2022 T Cat Cup National Information Security Basic Practice Ability Competition
    2022-09-17Normal.  Congratulations!! Cai Yushan, a second-year classmate of the Department of Information Engineering, participated in the 52nd National Skills Competition Youth Group and won the gold list
    2022-09-11Normal.  Congratulations to the Department of Information: Han Dairong won the award
    2022-09-02Normal.  Congratulations!! Teacher Zhuang Kunda instructed student Ding Luo Bangyun to win the 111 Grand Review Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Academic Competition - Doctoral Excellence Award
    2022-09-02Normal.  Congratulations!! Mr. Xie Sunyuan guided his student Zheng Dunwei to win the 111th Grand Review Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Academic Competition - Postdoctoral Excellence Award​
    2022-08-15impt.  Congratulations! Mr. Chen Peiyin won the 110th Academic Year Excellent Mentor
    2022-07-20impt.  恭喜!陳培殷老師及蘇文鈺老師榮獲110學年度「教學創新-線上教學」優良教師
    2022-07-20impt.  恭喜!陳培殷老師榮獲110學年度教學特優教師
    2022-07-07impt.  [Congratulations] The department has passed the self-evaluation and self-organization quality assurance certification for the bachelor's, master's and doctoral classes for 6 years