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  • Overview & History

    The Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) at National Cheng Kung University is the first high-ranking academic Institute in southern Taiwan whose emphasis is placed on information engineering and computing science. The CSIE Department began its operation with the establishment of MS program in August 1987, followed by the Institution of its Ph.D. program in August 1992. The undergraduate program was inaugurated in August 1997 with its later expansion from one class into two classes in August 2002. The Institute of Medical Informatics was inaugurated in 2006. In August 2011, the Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems was integrated into our department.

    All of the professors and graduate students in the department actively engage themselves in academic activities at home and abroad. They frequently present and publish their research results in prestigious journals and conferences. Many of the professors have received academic honor such as the Outstanding Research Award of the National Science Council.

    • 孔令洋教授 (1987.8 -- 1990.7)
    • 王駿發教授 (1990.8 -- 1996.7)
    • 孫永年教授 (1996.8 -- 1997.7)
    • 孫永年教授 (1997.8 -- 1999.7)
    • 吳宗憲教授 (1999.8 -- 2002.7)
    • 朱治平教授 (2002.8 -- 2005.7)
    • 李 強教授 (2005.8 -- 2006.7)
    • 黃崇明教授 (2006.8 -- 2009.7)
    • 鄭憲宗教授 (2009.8 -- 2012.7)
    • 陳培殷教授 (2012.8 -- 2015.7)
    • 謝孫源教授 (2015.8 -- 2017.8)
    • 高宏宇教授 (2017.8 -- 2021.1)
    • 張燕光教授 (2021.2 -- 迄今)

    Developing Directions

    Following the trend of information technology that is being promoted by the government, the information industry in Taiwan is flourishing. To meet the demand of talents in society and elevate the level of information industry, The CSIE Department engages itself in the cultivation of information engineering talents as well as in the research and development of technology related to computing software and hardware engineering. Besides, The CSIE Department makes use of its research facilities to provide services to the industrial and business sectors and the government, establishing communication channels between the academic circle and the industrial and business sector. It is intended to help industries and businesses upgrade their level in hopes to further increasing national and global competitiveness. We also expect and aim to advance our department to be an international first-class academic palace under the support of the Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities of MOE.



    • 提升授課品質,符合並取得 IEET 華盛頓公約 的大學工程教育認證。
    • 加強師資陣容,提高學生專業領域的深度和廣度。
    • 充實教學研究設備,滿足師生教學研究所需。
    • 修建系館教學和研究空間,提供優良學習環境。

    為提升南台灣地區資訊人才質與量的競爭力,本系將責無旁貸的擔負起此火車頭的責任。 因此預計在五年內大學部由二班增至三班,學生總數將達一千人; 而師資方面,亦將師資員額增聘至40名以上;而在空間方面,在五年內將完成新系館的增建, 以供應新增的大學部教學教室、實驗室、研究生實驗室及新聘教師的辦公室等空間使用。 由此建立中/南台灣最佳及最具規模之資訊工程教育環境。



    • 加強學術研究能力、提昇研究水準。
    • 積極爭取產官學合作研究計畫,提昇師生研究能力及系譽。
    • 配合南科,提供資訊技術支援及培育產業高級技術人才。
    • 加強學術研究能力、提昇研究水準。

    本系所的研究發展廣佈於資訊工程的主要研究, 包含積體電路電腦輔助設計、資訊安全、計算機系統、人工智慧、電腦網路、 多媒體系統、軟體工程+物件導向 系統、分散式系統+作業系統設計、編譯系統、 資料庫系統、語音處理、影像與圖像技術。在這些領域中均深受肯定,成效良好。



    • 積極參與及主辦國際學術會議,加強國際交流,提昇國際地位。
    • 爭取美、歐、日國際學術合作計畫及與 國際一流電子資訊公司 之國際產學合作計畫。
    • 聘請國外學者專家到本系/所進行短期講學,獲取最先進的資訊科技新知和潮流。
    • 實施英語授課,增加學生國際競爭力。
    • 招收外籍學生至本系就讀,提昇本系國際知名度。

    Education & Research

    The priorities are given to (1) strengthening academic research capability and upgrading research level; (2) a strong bid for research projects and extension education based on the cooperation between the industry, the government and the academics to elevate the research capabilities of teachers and students and the reputation of the department; and (3) providing information technology supports and high-tech talents for the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park. The department involves its efforts of research and development in ten major disciplines, including intelligent system/media processing, multimedia human-machine communication, wireless and mobile communications, database, computer aided software development, visual system, information security, computer research on music and multimedia, oratory multimedia mobile networking, algorithms & computation theory, computer & internet architecture, robotics, remote sensing image processing, high-speed networking.