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  • Chien-Chung Ho

    Chien-Chung HoAssistant Professor

    Contact Info.

    Department: dept. CSIE / inst. CSIE / AI Program

    Tel: 06-2757575 ext 62558


    Personal Website:

    Research Interests

    Memory and Storage Systems、Non-volatile Memory/Storage Techniques、Embedded Systems、Computing System

    School Record

    Taiwan \ National Taiwan University \ Computer Science and Informati \ Ph.D(2010 ~ 2016)

    Taiwan \ National Chiao Tung University \ Computer Science and Informati \ B.S.(2005 ~ 2010)

    Honor & Awards

    Best paper award received at IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA)

    Best paper candidate nominated at ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED)

    Young Researcher Fellowship recommended by National Chung Cheng University

    Short-term Domestic Visiting Scholars selected by Academia Sinica

    Best paper award received at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Hardware Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS)

    Ph. D. dissertation award received from Institute of Information and Computing Machinery

    Best paper candidate nominated at ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)

    Ph. D. dissertation award received from Taiwan Information Storage Association (TISA,台灣資訊儲存技術協會)

    Ph. D. dissertation award received from Taiwan Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TIEEE,台灣電機電子工程學會)


    Honor & Awards

      International Conference