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黃崇明特聘教授聯絡方式系所別:資訊系 / 資訊所 / AI學程 電話:06-2757575 ext 62523 E-mail:huangcm@locust.csie.ncku.edu.tw/cmdhuang@gmail.com 實驗室:多媒體行動電腦網路實驗室 (資訊系館新大樓3F 65303) |
專長及研究領域無線及行動網路和協定設計與分析、多媒體處理和串流技術、綠色通訊與計算、創意網路應用與服務 學歷美國 \ 美國俄亥俄州立大學 \ 資訊工程 \ 博士( ~ 1991) 美國 \ 美國俄亥俄州立大學 \ 資訊工程 \ 碩士( ~ 1987) 台灣 \ 國立台灣大學 \ 電機工程系 \ 學士( ~ 1984) 經歷國立成功大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 特聘教授 (2004 ~ now) 國立成功大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 教授 (1996 ~ now) 教育部「網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫」 \ 網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟中心 \ 召集人 (2011 ~ 2014) 國立成功大學 \ 醫學資訊所 \ 所長 (2007 ~ 2008) 經濟部 \ 技術處-業開發產業技術計畫 \ 主審委員 (2007 ~ 2009) 經濟部 \ 工業局-主導性新產品開發計畫 \ 主審委員 (2007 ~ 2009) 教育部「資通訊人才培育先導型計畫」 \ 車載資通訊教學推動聯盟中心 \ 召集人 (2007 ~ 2011) 國立成功大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 系主任 (2006 ~ 2009) 教育部「通訊科技教育改進計畫」 \ 「網路應用與服務」推動中心 \ 召集人 (2003 ~ 2007) 經濟部 \ 工業局-主導性新產品開發計畫 \ 主審委員 (2003 ~ 2005) 經濟部 \ 技術處-業開發產業技術計畫 \ 主審委員 (2003 ~ 2005) 經濟部 \ 工業局-促進產業研究發展借貸計畫 \ 主審委員 (2003 ~ 2007) 行政院NICI「IPv6推動工作小組」研究發展分組 \ 「網路應用與服務」研發小組 \ 召集人 (2002 ~ 2005) IPv6 Forum Taiwan \ 「網路應用與服務」研發小組 \ 召集人 (2002 ~ 2005) 中華民國OSI/ODA 多媒體文件交換標集工作組 \ \ 主席 (1994 ~ 1995) “OSI通信協定研發技術推廣教育計畫”,規劃小組 \ \ 規劃委員 (1994 ~ 1995) 中華民國影像處理與圖形辨識學會 \ \ 秘書長 (1993 ~ 1994) 國立成功大學 \ 資訊工程研究所 \ 副教授 (1991 ~ 1996) 專利
榮譽及獲獎Best Paper Award of the 19th Conference of Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands (ITAOI 2021) Best Paper Award of the 15th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN 2018), Best Paper Award of the 11th EAI International Wireless Internet Conference (WiCON 2018) Best Paper Award of The 2016 Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET 2016) Best Paper Award of the 13th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN 2014), Best Paper Award of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2013) 「2011 Computex台北國際電腦展」-「台灣ITS/Telematics精彩100」台灣古蹟文史脈流行動導覽服務平台-優質技術獎和優質服務獎, 2011/6 Best Paper Award for 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE 2010),Taipei, Taiwan, 2010/12 Best Paper Award of the Computer Society of the R.O.C. (The Republic of China), Taiwan, 2009/12 Best Paper Award for 2008 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2008),Taipei, Taiwan, 2008/11 Best Paper Award for the 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2008), 2008/3 95年Linux黃金企鵝研發創新獎(以使用者為中心的通用 IA 存取平台), 2006/8 IPv6 Ready LOGO Phase I 銀質標章認證(SCTP-MOVIDEO Server), 2006/3 國立成功大學特聘教授,2004/8~ 成功大學工學院九十一學年度研究優良教師,2003/06 90年度中國電機工程學會,「優秀青年電機工程師獎」,2001/12/07 Best Paper Award for The 15th IEEE International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN-15), 2001/1 獲87學年度教育部大學校院「通訊科技教育改進計畫」教材編寫佳作, 2000/02 電機及電子學工程師聯合會哥倫布市傑出學業成就, 1991 |
著作Refereed Papers 1. Chung-Ming Huang, Yu-Fen Chen, Shouzhi Xu and Huan Zhou "The Vehicular Social Network (VSN)-based Sharing of Downloaded Geo Data Using the Credit-based Clustering Scheme" IEEE AccessMOST 106-2221-E-006-029SCI, EI 2. Rung-Shiang Cheng, Chung-Ming Huang, and Sheng-Yuan Pan "Wi Fi Offloading Using the Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication Paradigm based on the Software Defined Network (SDN) Architecture" Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsMOST 105-2221-E-006-063SCIE, EI 3. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, Duy-Tuan Dao, Wei-Long Su, Shouzhi Xu and Huan Zhou "V2V Data Offloading for Cellular Network based on the Software Defined Network (SDN) inside Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) Architecture" IEEE AccessMOST 106-2221-E-006-029SCI, EI 4. Chung-Ming Huang and Ping-Yi Lu "Proximate Sharing of Geo Data Downloading based on the MSNP-oriented Ubiquitous Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication Paradigm" IEEE AccessMOST 106-2221-E-006-029SCI, EI 5. Chung-Ming Huang, Duy-Tuan Dao and Meng-Shu Chiang "A Bursty Multi-node Handover scheme for mobile internet using the partially Distributed Mobility Management (BMH–DMM) architecture" Telecommunication SystemsMOST 105-2221-E-006-063SCIE, EI 6. Chung-Ming Huang and Chia-Ming Mai "K-MING: A Mobile Proxy Handoff Control Scheme for Proximate Group-Based Geo Data Sharing" Software: Practice and ExperienceMOST 106-2221-E-006-029SCIE, EI 7. Meng-Shu Chiang, Chung-Ming Huang, Duy-Tuan Dao, and Binh-Chau Pham "The Backward Fast Media Independent Handover for Proxy Mobile IPv6 Control Scheme (BFMIH-PMIPV6) over Heterogeneous Wireless Mobile Networks" Journal of Information Science and EngineeringMOST 105-2221-E-006-063SCIE, EI 8. Meng-Shu Chiang and Chung-Ming Huang "A Backward Fast Handover Control Scheme for Mobile Internet (BFH-MIPv6)" Journal of Internet Technology (JIT)NSC 102-2221-E-006 -114 -MY3SCIE, EI 9. Chung-Ming Huang, Han-Lin Wang, Huan Zhou, Shou-zhi Xu, and Dong Ren "EVAC-AV: the Live Road Surveillance Control Scheme Using an Effective-Vision-Area-based Clustering (EVAC) Algorithm with the Adaptive Video Streaming Technique" IEEE Systems JournalNSC 102-2221-E-006 -009 -MY3SCI, EI 10. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang , Duy-Tuan Dao, Hsiu-Ming Pai, Shouzhi Xu and Huan Zhou "Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Offloading from Cellular Network to 802.11p Wi-Fi Network based on the Software-Defined Network (SDN) Architecture" Journal of Vehicular CommunicationsMOST 105-2221-E-006-063SCIE, EI 11. Meng-Shu Chiang, Chung Ming Huang, Duy-Tuan Dao and Binh-Chau Pham "GB-PMIPv6: A Group-Based Handover Control Scheme for PMIPv6 Using the “Hitch on” Concept" The Computer JournalNSC 102-2221-E-006 -114 -MY3SCIE, EI 12. Meng-Shu Chiang, Chung-Ming Huang, Pham Binh Chau, Shouzhi Xu, Huan Zhou and Dong Ren "A Forward Fast Media Independent Handover Control Scheme for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (FFMIH-PMIPv6) over Heterogeneous Wireless Mobile Networks" Journal of Telecommunication SystemsNSC 102-2221-E-006 -114 -MY3SCIE, EI 13. Rung-Shiang Cheng, Chung-Ming, Huang and Tzung-Han Tu "A CSMA/CA-based Media Access Protocol Using the Registered Backoff Time Vector (RBTv) Mechanism for M2M Communications" ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and ApplicationsNSC 102-2221-E-006 -114 -MY3SCI, EI 14. Chung-Ming Huang, Chih-Hsiang Shao, Shou-Zhi Xu and Huang Zhou "The Social Internet of Thing (S-IOT)-based Mobile Group Handoff Architecture and Schemes for Proximity Service" IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in ComputingMOST 105-2221-E-006-063SCI, EI 15. Rung-Shiang Cheng, Chung-Ming Huang, and Guan-Shiun Cheng "A Congestion Reduction Mechanism using D2D Cooperative Relay for M2M Communication in the LTE-A Cellular Network" Wireless Communications and Mobile ComputingNSC 102-2221-E-006 -114 -MY3SCIE, EI 16. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, and Hsin-Yi Lai "Energy-aware Group LBS using D2D Offloading and M2M-based Mobile Proxy Handoff Mechanisms over the Mobile Converged Networks" IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in ComputingNSC 102-2221-E-006 -009 -MY3SCI, EI 17. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Yu-Cheng Lin "An Adaptive Video Streaming System over a Cooperative Fleet of Vehicles Using the Mobile Bandwidth Aggregation Approach" IEEE Systems JournalNSC 101-2219-E-006-002SCI, EI 18. Chao-Hsien Lee, Chung-Ming Huang and Wei-Shuang Chen "A POI-aware Power Saving Scheme for Ubiquitous Touring Service over the Cellular and Wi-Fi Hybrid Network" ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and ApplicationsNSC 102-2221-E-006 -009 -MY3SCI, EI 19. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, and Ching-Yuan Lin "A Split Reliable Transport Protocol over the Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Communication Environment" Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, VOL. 25, NO. 18, pp. 2191-2205NSC 101-2219-E-006-002SCIE, EI 20. Meng-Shu Chiang, Chung-Ming Huang, and Dao Duy Tuan "The Multi-Node Fast Handover Control Scheme Using the Group-Based Approach" IET Networks, VOL. 4, NO. 1, pp. 44-53NSC 102-2221-E-006 -114SCIE, EI 21. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, and Tsung-Han Hsieh "The Personalized-Context-Aware Mobile Advertisement System Using a Novel Approaching Detection Method over Cellular Networks" Software: Practice and Experience, VOL. 45, NO. 1, pp. 31-52NSC 101-2219-E-006-002 22. Chung-Ming Huang, Yih-Chung Chen, and Shih-Yang Lin "Packet Scheduling and Congestion Control Schemes for Multi-Path Datagram Congestion Control Protocol" The Computer Journal, VOL. 58, NO. 2, pp.188-203NSC 100-2219-E-006 -002SCIE, EI 23. Chao-Hsien Lee, Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Wan-Ping Tsai "A Buffer-aware Fleet-based Cooperative H.264/SVC Streaming over Vehicular Networks" International Journal on Communication Systems, VOL. 27, NO. 12, pp. 3922-3938NSC 100-2219-E-006-003SCI, EI 24. Lai Tu, Shih-Yang Lin and Chung-Ming Huang "Analysis of the Scope of Cooperative Bandwidth Sharing among Mobile Routers in Vehicular Networks" EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and NetworkingNSC 102-2221-E-006 -114 -MY3SCIE, EI 25. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Chung-Heng Chang "Layered P2P Video Streaming Using Asymmetric P2P Topology and Membership Management" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (JCIE), VOL. 37, NO. 6, pp. 731-740NSC 101-2219-E-006-001SCIE, EI 26. Chung-Ming Huang and Shih-Yang Lin "A Timer-based Greedy Forwarding Algorithm in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks" IET Intelligent Transport SystemsNSC 101-2219-E-006-002SCI, EI 27. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, Chia-Ching Yang, and Hsiao-Yu Lin "The K-hop Cooperative Video Streaming Protocol Using H.264/SVC over the Hybrid Vehicular Networks" IEEE Transactions on Mobile ComputingNSC 101-2219-E-006-002SCI, EI 28. Chung-Ming Huang and Shih-Yang Lin, "A Cooperative Vehicle Collision Warning System Using the Vector-Based Approach with Dedicated-Short-Range-Communication (DSRC) Data Transmission" IET Intelligent Transport SystemsNSC 100-2219-E-006-002 29. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, and Po-Han Tseng, "Multihomed SIP-based Network Mobility for the Scheduled Public Transit Service" Wireless Communications and Mobile ComputingNSC 98-2219-E-006-009SCIE, EI 30. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, and Tsung-Han Hsieh "The Cellular Network's Signal-Aware Fingerprint-Based Positioning Technique (SAFPPT)" Wireless Personal CommunicationsNSC 101-2219-E-006-002SCIE, EI 31. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, and Jun-Hao Zhuang "Proxy Handoff Support for Multi-ISP Heterogeneous Networks" Journal of The Chinese Institute of EngineersNSC 100-2219-E-006 -002SCIE, EI 32. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Chun-Yu Tseng, "A Telematics Service Discovery Platform Using the Distributed Peer-to-Peer (D-TP2P) Networking System" Software - Practice and ExperienceNSC 99-2219-E-006-009SCIE, EI 33. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Sian Lin "The Design of the Unreliable-Concurrent Multipath Transfer (U-CMT) Protocol for Multihomed Networks" Journal of Telcommunication SystemsNSC 97-2221-E-006-096-MY2SCIE, EI 34. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Chun-Yu Tseng, "P2P-Like Telematics Service Discovery Using The Distributed-Region-Server-based Approach" IET Networks, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 136-145, September 2012.NSC 99-2219-E-006-009 35. Chao-Hsien Lee, Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Tai-Hsiang Wang, "Co-SVC-MDC based Cooperative Video Streaming over Vehicular Networks" The Computer Journal Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 756-768, June 2012.NSC 100-2219-E-006-003SCIE, EI 36. Chung-Ming Huang and Shih Yang Lin "An Early Collision Warning Algorithm for Vehicles based on V2V Communication" International Journal of Communication Systems Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 779-795, June 2012NSC 98-2219-E-006-008SCIE, EI 37. Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Ming Huang, and Hsing-Cheng Wang, "ATPOO: An Adaptive Transmitting Platform for Supporting On-time and at-One-time Data Delivering over Opportunistic Networks" IET Communications, VOL. 6, NO. 2, pp. 203–210, January 2012NSC 99-2219-E-006-009SCIE, EI 38. Chung-Ming Huang, Hao-Hsiang Ku, Yu-Chang Chao and Cheng-Wei Lin "Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Web2.0 QoS-based Home-Appliance Control Service Platform" Software - Practice and Experience, Vol. 42, pp.57-87, 2012. NSC 99-2219-E-006-008SCIE, EI 39. Lai Tu and Chung-Ming Huang "Collaborative Content Fetching Using MAC Layer Multicast in Wireless Mobile Networks" IEEE Transcations on Broadcasting, VOL. 57, NO. 3, pp. 695-706, September 2011.NSC 99-2219-E-006-009SCI, EI 40. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Sian Lin "Fast Retransmission for Concurrent Multipath Transfer (CMT) over Vehicular Networks" IEEE Communications Letters, VOL. 15, NO. 4, pp. 386-388, 2011.NSC 99-2219-E-006-009SCI,EI 41. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin , "Error-robust Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC Streaming Using the Adaptive Packet Interleaving Mechanism" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, VOL. 34, NO. 4, pp. 539-547, 2011. NSC 97-2219-E-006-002SCIE, EI 42. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Sian Lin, and Lik-Hou Chang "The Design of Mobile Concurrent Multipath Transfer (mCMT) in Multihomed Wireless Mobile Networks" The Computer JournalNSC 97-2221-E-006-096-MY2SCIE, EI 43. Lai Tu and Chung-Ming Huang "Forwards: A Map Free Intersection Collision Warning System for All Road Patterns" IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, VOL. 59, NO. 7, pp. 3233-3248, 2010NSC 98-2219-E-006-008SCI, EI 44. Chung-Ming Huang and Hao-Hsiang Ku "Web2OHS: A Web 2.0-based Omni-bearing Homecare System" IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, VOL. 14, NO. 2, pp. 224-233NSC- 98-2219-E-006 -008SCI, EI 45. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Sian Lin "Multimedia Streaming using Partially Reliable Concurrent Multipath Transfer (PR-CMT) for Multihomed Networks" IET CommunicationsNSC 97-2221-E-006-096-MY2SCIE, EI 46. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin and Chia-Ching Yang "Layer 5 Session Handoff: Mobility Management for Video Sessions among Heterogeneous Networks and Devices" IEEE Multimedia, VOL.17, NO.1, pp. 24-32, 2010NSC 96-2219-E-006-008SCI, EI 47. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang and Chung-Wei Lin, "An MPEG-21 SIP-based Session Mobility Management for Ubiquitous Video Streaming over the Home Network and Vehicular Network Environment" Journal of Internet Technology, VOL. 11, NO. 4, pp. 499-508, 2010NSC 97-2219-E-006-001SCIE, EI 48. Chung-Ming Huang and Jian-Wei Li "A Cluster-Chain-based Context Transfer Mechanism for Fast Basic Service" Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, VOL. 9, NO. 10, pp. 1387-1401NSC 96-2219-E-006-007SCIE, EI 49. Chung-Ming Huang, Jian-Wei Li and Chun-Ta Chen "Reducing Signaling Traffic for the Authentication and Key Agreement Procedure in an IP Multimedia Subsystem" Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, VOL. 51, NO. 1, pp. 95-107NSC 96-2219-E-006-008SCIE, EI 50. Chung-Ming Huang, Jian-Wei Li, and I-Ting Tseng "Multimedia Internet Rekeying for Secure Session Mobility in Ubiquitous Mobile Networks" Journal of Systems and Software, VOL. 82, NO. 9, pp. 1526-1539NSC 97-2219-E-006-001SCIE, EI 51. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shuu Chiang, and Jin-Wei Lin "A Proactive Mobile-Initiated Fast Handoff Scheme Using the Multi-homed Approach" Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, VOL. 9, NO. 9, pp. 1194-1205NSC 93-2219-E-006-001SCIE, EI 52. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin and Cheng-Yen Chuang "A Multi-layered Audiovisual Streaming System Using the Network" IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, VOL. 11, NO. 5, pp. 797-809NSC 96-2219-E-006-008SCI, EI 53. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin "Multiple Priority Region-of-Interest H.264 Video Compression Using Constraint Variable Bitrate Control for Video" Journal of Optical Engineering, VOL. 48, NO. 4, pp. 047004-1~047004-10NSC 97-2219-E-006-002SCIE, EI 54. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin and W.P. Tsai "A Multi-core based Parallel Streaming Mechanism for Concurrent Video-on-Demand Applications" IEEE Communication Letters, Vol.13, No.4, pp. 286-288NSC 97-2219-E-006-002SCI, EI 55. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin and Xin-Ying Lin "A Predictive VoD Bandwidth Management Using the Kalman Filter over the" The Computer Journal, VOL. 52, NO. 2, pp. 171-185NSC 96-2219-E-006-008SCIE, EI 56. Chung-Ming Huang, Jian-Wei Li, and Chun-Ta Chen, "Distributed Hash Table-based Interrogating-Call Session Control Function Network in the Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem for Efficient Query Services" The Computer Journal, VOL. 53, NO. 7, pp. 918-933NSC 97-2219-E-006-001SCIE, EI 57. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin, and Chia-Chung Yang "IPS-ICC: An IP-Surveillance Platform Using Interactive Camera-handoff Control" Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, VOL. 32, NO. 4, pp. 445-456NSC 96-2219-E-006-008SCIE, EI 58. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Sian Lin and Hon-Long Wong "The Handoff Control Scheme for Computing Powerless Devices and Its" Computer Communications, VOL. 31, NO. 14, pp. 3275-3285NSC 96-2219-E-006-008SCIE, EI 59. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Sian Lin and Hon-Long Wong "A Ubiquitous IAs Access Platform (UIAP) over UPnP" Software - Practice and Experience, Vol. 38, No. 11, pp.1127-1147NSC 96-2219-E-006-007SCIE, EI 60. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang and Tz-Heng Hsu "PFC: A Packet Forwarding Control Scheme for Vehicle Handover over the ITS Networks" Computer Communications, VOL. 31, NO. 12, pp. 2815-2826NSC 96-2219-E-006-007SCIE, EI 61. Chung-Ming Huang and Chang-Zhou Tsai "A SIP-based Session Mobility Management Framework for Ubiquitous Multimedia Services" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, VOL. 5061, pp. 636-646NSC 96-2219-E-006-007EI 62. Chung-Ming Huang, Ching-Hsien Tsai, and Jia-Xuan Huang "NeTSurv: An IP-based Surveillance System with Robust Network Fault Tolerance and Link Load Balance Capabilities" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (JCIE), VOL. 31, NO. 3, pp. 481-496NSC 95-2221-E-006-094SCIE, EI 63. Hsu-Yang Kung, Chung-Ming Huang and Hao-Hsiang Ku "Efficient Sensor Deployment Control Schemes and Performance Evaluation for Obstacle and Unknown Environments" Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, VOL. 45, NO. 2, pp. 231-263NSC 96-2221-E-020-034-MY2SCIE, EI 64. Chung-Ming Huang, Hao-Hsiang Ku and Hsu-Yang Kung "Efficient Power-Consumption-based Load Sharing Topology Control Protocol for Harsh Environments in Wireless Sensor Networks" IET Communications, VOL. 3, NO. 5, pp. 859-870NSC 97-2218-E-020-001SCIE, EI 65. Chung-Ming Huang and Ching-Hsien Tsai "The Handover Control Mechanism for Multi-path Transmission using Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)" Computer Communications, VOL. 30, NO. 17, pp. 3239-3256NSC 95-2221-E-006-094SCIE, EI 66. Chung-Ming Huang and Chao-Hsien Lee "Layer 7 Multimedia Proxy Handoff Using Anycast/Multicast in Mobile Networks" IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, VOL. 6, NO. 4, pp. 411-422,April 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-009SCI, EI 67. Hsu-Yang Kung , Chung-Ming Huang , Hao-Hsiang Ku ,and Ming-Jen Hsu "Low Complexity K-Covered Deployment Methods for Wireless Sensor Networks" Journal of Internet Technology, VOL 8, NO. 2, pp,April 2007NSC 94-2218- E-020-001EI 68. Chung-Ming Huang and Jian-Wei Li "An Accelerated IEEE 802.11 Handoff Process based on the Dynamic Cluster Chain Method" Computer Communications VOL. 30, NO. 6, pp. 1383-1395,March 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-008SCIE, EI 69. Chung-Ming Huang , Tz-Heng Hsu ,and Chih-We Chao "A Development Environment for OSA-based Applications over the Interworked WLAN and Cellular Networks" Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, VOL. 40, NO. 2, pp. 245-263, January 2007NSC 93-2219-E-006-001SCIE, EI 70. Chung-Ming Huang , Tz-Heng Hsu ,and Ming-Fa Hsu "A Network-Aware P2P File Sharing Architecture and Schemes over theWireless Mobile Network Environment" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, VOL. 25, NO. 1, pp. 204-210, January 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-008SCI, EI 71. Hsu-Yang Kung, Chung-Ming Huang, Hao-Hsiang Ku, and Ching-Yu Lin "Efficient Multimedia Distribution Architecture Using Anycast" Computer Communications, VOL. 30, NO. 2, pp. 288-301, January 2007NSC-95-2221-E-020-034-MY2SCIE, EI 72. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Sian Lin "Instantaneous Reflection of Inter-IA Interaction Development Using the Script Language Approach" Journal of Internet Technology, VOL. 8, NO. 1, pp. 129-140, January 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-008EI 73. Chung-Ming Huang and Jian-Wei Li "Efficient and Provably Secure IP Multimedia Subsystem Authentication for UMTS" The Computer Journal, VOL. 50, NO. 6, pp. 739-757, November 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-009SCIE, EI 74. Chung-Ming Huang , Chung-Wei Lin , Yuh-Feng Hsu ,and Kual-Zheng Lee "Hybrid Scalable MPEG-4 Coding Using the Network-aware Bit-rate Control" International Journal of Electrical Engineering, VOL. 14, NO. 4, pp. 315-324, August 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-009EI 75. Chung-Ming Huang and Jian-Wei Li "An Authentication Mechanism over the Integrated UMTS Network and WLAN Platform Using the Cross-Layer Bootstrap" IET Communications, VOL. 1, No. 5, pp. 866-874, October 2007NSC 93-2219-E-006-001SCIE, EI 76. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Wei Lin "A Novel 4-D Perceptual Quantization Modeling for H.264 Bit-rate Control" IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, VOL. 9, NO. 6, pp. 1113- 1124, October 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-009SCI, EI 77. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, and Meng-Das Tsai "Scalable MPEG4 Streaming over the IPv6 Mobile Networks Environment" Computer Communications, VOL. 29, NO. 16, pp. 3104-3112, October 2006NSC 93-2219-E-006-002SCIE, EI 78. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, and Ji-Ren Zheng "A Novel SIP-based Route Optimization for Netwrok Mobility" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, VOL. 24, NO. 9, pp. 1682-1691, Sept. 2006NSC 93-2219-E-006-001SCI, EI 79. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee , Yuan-Tse Yu, and Chung-Yi Lai "Location Aware Multimedia Proxy Handoff over the IPv6 Mobile Network Environment" Journal of Systems and Software, VOL. 79, NO. 8, pp. 1037-1050, August 2006NSC 92-2219-E-006-004SCIE, EI 80. Chung-Ming Huang, Ching-Hsien Tsai, and Ming-Chi Tsai "Design and Implementation of Video Streaming Hot-Plug between Wired and Wireless Networks Using SCTP" The Computer Journal, VOL. 49, NO. 4, pp. 400 – 417, July 2006NSC 93-2219-E-006-001SCIE, EI 81. Chung-Ming Huang, Ching-Hsien Tsai, and Po-Chou Su "MultiGate6: An IPv6 Multihoming Gateway Using a Hybried Approach" Computer Communications, VOL. 29, No. 10, pp. 1842-1857, June 2006NSC 92-2219-E-006-003SCIE, EI 82. Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Yi-Wei Lin "REDUP: a packet loss recovery scheme for real-time audio streaming over wireless IP networks" Journal of Systems and Software, VOL. 79, NO. 1, pp. 29-42, January 2006NSC 93-2219-E-006-001SCIE, EI 83. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Tse Yu, and Guo-Shiung Lian "An Adaptive Differentiated Service Multicast Gateway" IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, VOL. 51, NO. 3, pp. 329-347, September 2005NSC 91-2219-E-006-005SCI, EI 84. Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu "A Resource Exchange Architecture for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Applications" The Computer Journal, VOL. 48, NO. 1, pp. 53-71, January 2005NSC 92-2213-E-006-025SCIE, EI 85. Chung-Ming Huang and Yu-Chang Chao "IWR: Interactive WWW Response in the Wireless and Mobile Environment Using the Concept of Universal WWW Access" Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, VOL. 28, NO. 1, pp. 17-31, January 2005NSC 89-2219-E-006-019SCIE, EI 86. Sheau-Ru Tong, Yuan-Tse Yu, and Chung-Ming Huang "A Video Caching Policy based on Video Profiles for Guaranteeing Service Quality and Maximizing System Profit in Hierarchical Video Servers" Journal of Systems and Software, VOL. 73, NO. 3, pp. 515-531, November 2004NSC 89-2219-E-020-002SCIE, EI 87. Sheau-Ru Tong, Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Ming Huang and Mei-Hsien Lin "Efficient Resource Reservation based on Communication Paradigms for Multicast Multimedia Applications" IEEE Transaction on Broadcasting, VOL. 50, NO. 3, pp. 260-278, September 2004NSC 90-2219-E-020-001SCI, EI 88. Sheau-Ru Tong, Yuan-Tse Yu, and Chung-Ming Huang "Efficient Region Layouts for Region-Based Video Servers Employing Multi-Zone Disks" The Computer Journal, VOL. 47, NO. 2, pp. 153-168, March 2004NSC 89-2219-E-020-001SCIE, EI 89. Chung-Ming Huang , Chian Wang, and Hsu-Yang Kung "A Synchronization Mechanism for Controlling VCR-Like User Interactions in Distribated Multimedia-On-Demand (MOD) Systems" The Computer Journal, VOL.47, NO.2, pp. 140-152, March 2004NSC 90-2213-E-006-108SCIE, EI 90. Chung-Ming Huang and Chi-Kuang Chang "An Adaptive Flow Control with the Re-Transmission Policy over the Server-Proxy-Client Networking Environment" Journal of Systems and Software, VOL. 69, NO. 1, pp. 15-27, January 2004NSC 90-2213-E-006-108SCIE, EI 91. Ren-Hung Hwang and Chung-Ming Huang "An Innovative Teaching Program for Network Applications and Service" Innovation 2004: World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research, Chapter 7, Edited by W. Aung, R. Aitenkrich, T. Cermak, R. W. King, and L.M.S. Ruiz, pp. 63-71, 2004 92. Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu "A User-Aware Prefetching Mechanism for Video Streaming" World Wide Web Journal, VOL. 6, NO. 4, pp. 353-374, December 2003NSC 91-2213-E-006-081SCIE, EI 93. Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, and Yi-Guwan Chang "Internet News Gathering: Collaborative Qos-based Audio-Visual Multicast over Internet" Journal of Internet Technology, VOL. 4, NO. 4, pp. 217-228,2003NSC 90-2219-E-006-006EI 94. Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu "Design and Performance Evaluation of a Price-based Cache Algorithm for Mobile Web Services" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, VOL.2899, pp. 143-154,2003NSC 91-2213-E-006-081SCIE, EI 95. Chung-Ming Huang and Yu-Chang Chao "Differentiated Information Presentations for Heterogeneous I/O Devices Using a Single " The Computer Journal, VOL. 45, NO. 1, pp. 72-87, January 2002NSC 89-2219-E-006-019SCIE, EI 96. Chung-Ming Huang, Hsu-Yang Kung, and Jiong-Liang Yang "Synchronization and Flow Adaptation Scheme for Reliable Multiple-Stream Transmission in Multimedia Presentations" Journal of Systems and Software, VOL.56, NO. 2, pp. 133-151, March 2001NSC 89-2219-E-006-008SCIE, EI 97. Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, and Pi-Fung Shih "An Interactive Audio and Video Station over Internet" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, VOL. 2195, pp. 582-589,2001NSC 89-2219-E-006-019SCIE, EI 98. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Yuhe Jang "CTW: An Integrated Computer & Telephone-accessed WWW System" Software-Practice & Experience, VOL. 30, NO. 13, pp. 1485-1507, November 2000NSC 88-2622-E-006-007SCIE, EI 99. Chung-Ming Huang, Chih-Hao Lin, Jyh-Shiou Chen, and Chian Wang "Interactive Multimedia Synchronization in Distributed Environments Using EFSMs: Control Schemes and Formal Specifications" IEE Proceedings-Software, VOL.147, No. 4, pp.131-146, August 2000NSC 89-2213-E-006-049EI 100. Chung-Ming Huang and Pei-Chuan Liu "IDRS: an Interactive Digital Radio Station over Internet" Journal of Systems and Software, VOL. 51, NO. 3, pp. 229-243, May 2000NSC 88-2219-E-006-012SCIE, EI 101. Chung-Ming Huang, Cheng-Yi Kuo, and Chian Wang "TVIS: An Interactive Multimedia Communication Engine and Its Applications" Journal of Systems and Software, VOL. 51, NO. 3, pp. 201-216, May 2000NSC 89-2622-E-006-049SCIE, EI 102. Chung-Ming Huang and Pei-Chuan Liu "Robust Audio Transmission Over Internet with Self-Adjusted Buffer Control" Journal of Information Science, VOL. 124, No. 1-4, pp. 1-28, May 2000NSC 86-2622-E-006-003SCIE, EI 103. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu "PPP (P 3 ) : an Estelle-based Probabilistic Partial Protocol Verification System" Computer Communications,VOL. 23, No. 2, pp. 177-192, January 15, 2000NSC 84-2213-E-006-035SCIE, EI 104. Chung-Ming Huang and Hsu-Yang Kung "Mcast: A Multicast Multimedia Communication Software Development Platform" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, VOL. 1905, pp. 53-64, 2000NSC 88-2219-E-006-012SCIE, EI 105. Chung-Ming Huang and Hsu-Yang Kung "Developing Multicast Multiple-Stream Multimedia Presentations Using the Formal Approach" IEE Proceedings-Software, VOL. 146, NO. 6, pp. 245-276, December 1999NSC 88-2219-E-006-012EI 106. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Yuhe Jang, and Yuan-Chuen Lin "Executable EFSM-based Data Flow and Control Flow Protocol Test Sequence Generation Using Reachability Analysis" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, VOL. 22, NO.5, pp.593-616, September 1999NSC 85-2213-E-006-014SCIE, EI 107. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Yuhe Jang, and Chih-Wei Tung "Phone-Web: Accessing WWW using a Telephone Set" World Wide Web Journal, VOL. 2, NO.3, pp. 161-178, September 1999NSC 87-2622-E-006-008SCIE, EI 108. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Yuhe Jang, and Tz-Heng Hsu "FaxWeb: Accessing WWW using the Fax Machine" Journal of Information and Software Technology, VOL. 41, NO. 13, pp. 859-876, September 1999NSC 87-2622-E-006-008SCIE, EI 109. Chung-Ming Huang, Chih-Hao Lin, and Chian Wang "Specifying and Executing Interactive Multimedia Presentations Using the Formal Approach" Proceedings of the National Science Council - Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, VOL. 23, NO. 4, pp. 495-510, July 1999NSC 85-2213-E-006-062EI 110. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Yuhe Jang "Interactive Temporal Behaviors and Modeling for Multimedia Presentations in the WWW Environments" The Computer Journal, VOL.42, NO.2, pp.112-128, February 1999NSC 86-2622-E-006-003SCIE, EI 111. Chung-Ming Huang and Chian Wang "Synchronization for Interactive Multimedia Presentations" IEEE Multimedia, VOL.5, NO. 4, pp.44-62, October-December 1998NSC 85-2213-E-006-062SCI, EI 112. Chung-Ming Huang and Meng-Shu Chiang "UIOE: A Protocol Test Sequence Generation Method Using the Transition Executability Analysis (TEA)" Computer Communications, VOL.21, NO.16, pp. 1462-1475, October 1998NSC 85-2213-E-006-014SCIE, EI 113. Chung-Ming Huang, Jyh-Shiou Chen, Chih-Hao Lin, and Chian Wang "MING-I: A Distributed Interactive Multimedia Document Development Mechanism" ACM Journal of Multimedia Systems, VOL. 6, NO. 5, PP. 316-333, September 1998NSC 86-2622-E-006-003SCI, EI 114. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu "An Incremental Maximal Progress Protocol Verification for ECFSM-based Protocols" Proceedings of the National Science Councial - Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, VOL. 22, NO. 5, pp. 600-615, September 1998NSC 81-0408-E-006-568EI 115. Chung-Ming Huang and Chian Wang "Multimedia Synchronization with User Interactions Using Interactive Extended Finite State Machines (IEFSMs)" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, VOL. 21, NO. 3, pp. 1-22, May 1998NSC 86-2213-E-006-071SCIE, EI 116. Chung-Ming Huang, Hsu-Yang Kung, and Pei-Chuan Liu "EFSM-based Continuous Media Synchronization in Multicast Networks" Computer Communications, VOL. 20, NO. 11, pp. 950-969, October 1997NSC 85-2213-E-006-062SCIE, EI 117. Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, Chung-Ming Lo, Der-Chung Yih, and Yao-Fang Chu "Distributed Multimedia Synchronization Specifications Using M2EST" Journal of Information and Software Technology, VOL. 39, NO. 8, pp. 515-529, August 1997NSC 86-2213-E-006-071SCIE, EI 118. Chung-Ming Huang and Hsu-Yang Kung "A Synchronization Infrastructure for Multicast Multimedia at the Presentation Layer" IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, VOL. 43, NO. 3, pp. 370-380, August 1997NSC 86-2213-E-006-071SCI, EI 119. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Yuhe Jang "Handoff Architectures and Protocols for Transmitting Compressed Multimedia Information in Mobile PCSs" IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, VOL. 43, NO. 3, pp. 784-794, August 1997NSC 85-2213-E-006-014SCI, EI 120. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, Huei-Yang Lai, Duen-Tay Huang, and Jao-Chiang Pong "An Estelle-based Incremental Protocol Design System" Journal of Systems and Software, VOL. 36, NO. 2, pp. 115-135, February 1997NSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 121. Chung-Ming Huang and Chian Wang "Interactive Multimedia Communications at the Presentation Layer" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, VOL. 1309, pp. 410-419, 1997NSC 86-2213-E-006-071SCIE, EI 122. Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, and Yao-Fang Chu "An ODA-Like Multimedia Document System" Software Practice & Experience, VOL. 26, NO. 10, pp. 1097-1126, October 1996NSC 84-2213-E-006-062SCIE, EI 123. Chung-Ming Huang, Chian Wang, Chih-Hao Lin, and Jyh-Shiou Chen "Synchronization Architectures and Control Schemes for Interactive Multimedia Presentations" IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, VOL. 42, NO. 3, pp. 546-556, August 1996NSC 85-2213-E-006-062SCI, EI 124. Chung-Ming Huang and Ruey-Yang Lee "Quantification of Quality-Of-Presentations (QOPs) for Multimedia Synchronization Schemes" ACM Computer Communication Review, VOL. 26, NO. 3, pp. 76-104, July 1996NSC 85-2213-E-006-062SCIE, EI 125. Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, and Duen-Tay Huang "Reverse Protocol Verification: Concept, Algorithm, and Applications" The Computer Journal, VOL. 39, NO. 6, pp.511-524, June 1996NSC 83-0408-E-006-005SCIE, EI 126. Chung-Ming Huang, Huei-Yang Lai, and Duen-Tay Huang "A Multi-Event-One-Transition Plus Incremental Processing Protocol Verification Method" Journal Of Information Science and Engineering, VOL. 12, NO. 2, pp. 215-242, June 1996NSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 127. Chung-Ming Huang and Ruey-Yang Lee "Achieving Multimedia Synchronization between Live Video and Live Audio Streams Using QOS Controls" Computer Communications, VOL. 19, NO. 5, pp. 456-467, May 1996NSC 84-2213-E-006-019SCIE, EI 128. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, and Shiun-Wei Lee "Probabilistic Fuzzy Timed Protocol Verification" Computer Communications, VOL. 19, NO. 5, pp. 407-425, May 1996NSC 84-2213-E-006-035SCIE, EI 129. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu "An Estelle Translator for Incremental Protocol Verification" Journal Of the Chinese Institute Of Engineers, VOL. 19, NO. 2, pp. 179-192, March 1996NSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 130. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Ming Lo "An EFSM-based Multimedia Synchronization Model and the Authoring System" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, VOL. 14, NO. 1, pp. 138-152, January 1996NSC 84-2213-E-006-019SCI, EI 131. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu, "An Estelle Translator for Incremental Protocol Verification" Journal Of the Chinese Institute Of EngineersNSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 132. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Ming Lo "An EFSM-based Multimedia Synchronization Model and the Authoring System" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, NSC 84-2213-E-006-019SCI, EI 133. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, Huei-Yang Lai, and Duen-Tay Huang "An Integrated FDT-based Protocol Verification System" IEE Software Engineering Journal, VOL. 10, NO. 6, pp. 233-244, November 1995NSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 134. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Chuen Lin, and Ming-Yuhe Jang "An Executable Protocol Test Sequence Generation Method for EFSM-Specified Protocols" IFIP Transactions C: Communication Systems - Protocol Test Systems, pp. 20-35, September 1995NSC 84-0408-E-006-035SCIE, EI 135. Chung-Ming Huang "An Enhanced Computer Networks Course" IEEE Transactions on Education, VOL. 38, NO. 3, pp. 279-290, August 1995SCI, EI 136. Chung-Ming Huang and Duen-Tay Huang "A Backward Protocol Verification and Its Applications" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, VOL. 2, NO. 3, pp. 153-168, August 1995NSC 83-0408-E-006-005EI 137. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, and Shiun-Wei Lee "ECFSM-based Probabilistic Protocol Verification" Information Processing Letters, VOL. 55, NO. 1, pp.1-9, July/7 1995NSC 83-0408-E-006-013SCIE, EI 138. Chung-Ming Huang and Shiun-Wei Lee "Timed Protocol Verification for Estelle-Specified Protocols" ACM Computer Communication Review, VOL. 25, NO. 3, pp. 4-32, July 1995NSC 83-0408-E-006-013SCIE, EI 139. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu "EHPVS: A Protocol Verification System for Verifying Protocols Specified in Estelle" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, VOL. 18, NO. 3, pp. 221-235, May 1995NSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 140. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, Huei-Yang Lai, and Duen-Tay Huang "An Integrated FDT-based Protocol Verification System" IEE Software Engineering JournalNSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 141. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Chuen Lin, and Ming-Yuhe Jang "An Executable Protocol Test Sequence Generation Method for EFSM-Specified Protocols," IFIP Transactions C: Communication Systems - Protocol Test SystemsNSC 84-0408-E-006-035SCIE, EI 142. Chung-Ming Huang, "An Enhanced Computer Networks Course" IEEE Transactions on Education, SCIE, EI 143. Chung-Ming Huang and Duen-Tay Huang "A Backward Protocol Verification and Its Applications" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical EngineeringNSC 83-0408-E-006-005EI 144. Chung-Ming Huang and Shiun-Wei Lee, "Timed Protocol Verification for Estelle-Specified Protocols" ACM Computer Communication ReviewNSC 83-0408-E-006-013SCIE, EI 145. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, and Shiun-Wei Lee "ECFSM-based Probabilistic Protocol Verification" Information Processing LettersNSC 83-0408-E-006-013SCIE, EI 146. 150. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu "EHPVS: A Protocol Verification System for Verifying Protocols Specified in Estelle" Journal of the Chinese Institute of EngineersNSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 147. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, and Huei-Yang Lai "A Modified Transition Tour Protocol Test Method" Journal Of Systems Integration (4), pp.257-300, December 1994NSC 81-0408-E-006-609 148. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Ming Lo "Multimedia E-mail: the Evolution Approach Based on Adaptors" Software Practice & Experience, VOL. 24, NO. 9, pp. 785-800, September 1994NSC 83-0408-E-006-005SCIE, EI 149. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, Shiun-Wei Lee, and Yaw-Wei Yao "Protocol Half-Converters Derivation Using the Formal Approach" Proceedings of the National Science Council - Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, VOL. 18, NO. 5, pp. 440-449, September 1994NSC 82-0408-E-006-417EI 150. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu "An Incremental Protocol Verification Method" The Computer Journal, VOL. 37, NO. 8, pp.698-710, August 1994NSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 151. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu "An Incremental Protocol Verification Method" The Computer JournalNSC 81-0408-E-006-568SCIE, EI 152. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Ming Lo "Multimedia E-mail: the Evolution Approach Based on Adaptors" Software Practice & ExperienceNSC 83-0408-E-006-005SCIE, EI 153. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, Shiun-Wei Lee, and Yaw-Wei Yao "Protocol Half-Converters Derivation Using the Formal Approach" Proceedings of the National Science Council - Part A: Physical Science and EngineeringNSC 82-0408-E-006-417EI 154. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, and Huei-Yang Lai "A Modified Transition Tour Protocol Test Method" Journal Of Systems Integration NSC 81-0408-E-006-609 155. Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, and Ming T. Liu "A Computer-Aided Protocol Design by Production Systems Approach" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, VOL. 8, NO. 9, pp. 1748-1762, December 1990SCI, EI 156. Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, and Ming T. Liu, "A Computer-Aided Protocol Design by Production Systems Approach" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsSCIE, EI Conference Papers 國際會議 1. Chung-Ming Huang, Zhong-You Wu and Shih-Yang Lin "The Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)-based VANET Data Offloading using the Staying-Time-oriented k-hop away Offloading Agent" e 33rd International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2019) 2. Chung-Ming Huang, Wei-Long Su, Duy-Tuan Dao and Meng-Shu Chiang "SDN-based V2V Offloading for Cellular Network Using the LifeTime-based Network State Routing (LT-NSR)" The 31st International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2018)MOST 105-2221-E-006-063 3. Chung-Ming Huang, Rui-Xian Wei, Shouzhi Xu and Huan Zhou "A QoE-Oriented Control Scheme for Adaptive HTTP Video Streaming in the Wireless Mobile Network" The 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2018)MOST 106-2221-E-006-029 4. Chung-Ming Huang, Duy-Tuan Dao and Meng-Shu Chiang "Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) using the Software Defined Network (SDN)-based Backward Fast Handover (SBF-DMM) Method" The 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2018)MOST 106-2221-E-006-029 5. Chung-Ming Huang and Yu-Fen Chen "Proximate Sharing of Downloaded Geo Data Using the Vehicular Social Network (VSN) Technique" The 22nd International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2018)MOST 106-2221-E-006-029 6. Chung-Ming Huang, Rung-Shiang Cheng and Hsing-Han Chen "A Channel Selection Method for Device to Device (D2D) Communication Using the Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) Paradigm" The 11th EAI International Wireless Internet Conference (WiCON 2018) 7. Chung-Ming Huang and Yi-An Guo "A Touring and Navigation Service Platform for Mobile Digital Culture Heritage (M-DCH)" The 15th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN 2018)MOST 106-2221-E-006-029 8. Chung-Ming Huang and Yi-An Guo "A Touring and Navigation Service Platform for Mobile Digital Culture Heritage (M-DCH)" The 15th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN 2018)MOST 106-2221-E-006-029 9. Chung-Ming Huang, Dao-Duy Tuan and Ping-Yi Lu "A Credit-aware Clustering Scheme for the Proximate Sharing of Geo Data Downloading" The 27th International Telecommunication Networks and Application Conference (ITNAC 2018)MOST 105-2221-E-006-063 10. Chung-Ming Huang, Duy-Tuan Dao, and Chia-Ming Mai "Location-Based Service (LBS) Data Sharing Using the k-Member-Limited Clustering Mechanism Over the 4G and Wi Fi Hybrid Wireless Mobile Networks" Proceedings of The 31st International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2017)MOST 105-2221-E-006-063 11. Chung-Ming Huang, Chih-Hsiang Shao, Shou-zhi Xu and Huan Zhou "A Group Handoff Scheme for the Proximity Service of Sharing Mobile Data Downloading" The 14th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN 2017)MOST 105-2221-E-006-063 12. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng Shu Chiang and Duy-Tuan Dao "A Group Handoff Scheme for the Proximity Service of Sharing Mobile Data Downloading" The 14th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN 2017)MOST 105-2221-E-006-063 13. Chung-Ming Huang, Rung-Shiang Cheng and Sheng-Yuan Pan "The Enhanced Wi-Fi Offloading Using the Software Defined Network Based Device-to-Device Communication Paradigm for Ubiquitous Communication" Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (U-Media 2016)MOST 105-2221-E-006-063 14. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, Duy-Tuan Dao and Pham Binh Chau "A Group-Based Fast Media Independent Handover Control Scheme for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (GB-FMIH-PMIPv6)" Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom2016)NSC 102-2221-E-006 -114 -MY3 15. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, Duy-Tuan Dao, Hsiu-Ming Pai, Shouzhi Xu and Huan Zhou "802.11p Wi-Fi Offloading from the Cellular Network to Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Network Using the Software-Defined Network (SDN) Technique" Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet Of Vehicle (IOV 2016)MOST 105-2221-E-006-063 16. Rung-Shiang Cheng, Chung-Ming Huang, and Guan-Shiun Cheng "A D2D Cooperative Relay Scheme for Machine-to-Machine Communication in the LTE-A Cellular Network" the 29th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN2015), pp. 153-158NSC 102-2221-E-006 -114 -MY3 17. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang and Pham Binh Chau "A Load-Considered Fast Media Independent Handover Control Scheme for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (LC-FMIH-PMIPv6) in the Multiple-Destination Environment" the 2015 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom)NSC 102-2221-E-006 -114 -MY3 18. Chung-Ming Huang, Rung-Shiang Cheng and Tzung-Han Tu "CSMA/CA-RBT: A Novel Media Access and Power-Saving Mechanism for M2M Communications" the 11th IARIA International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC2015)NSC 102-2221-E-006-114-MY3 19. Chung-Ming Huang and Meng-Shu Chiang "A Fast Handover Control Scheme Using the Optimistic Ready-Tunneling (ORT) Approach" International Computer Symposium (ICS 2014)NSC 102-2221-E-006-114-MY3 20. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Tse Yu, and Ssu-Wei Wu "LBVS-T: a Location-Based Video Streaming Control Scheme for Trains" the 10th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2014)NSC 102-2221-E-006-009-MY3 21. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Tse Yu, and Yu-Jen Huang "A Cross-layer Loss Discrimination Scheme for DCCP over the Wireless Network" the 5th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2014), pp.77-84NSC 102-2221-E-006-114-MY3 22. Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Ming Huang, and Yun-Tz Lee "An Intelligent Touring System Based on Mobile Social Network and Cloud Computing for Travel Recommendation" The 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2014) - Seventh International Workshop on Bio and Intelligent Computing (BICom-2014)NSC 102-2221-E-006-009-MY3 23. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, Hsin-Yi Lai, and Chia-Ching Yang "A Mobile Social Network-based Group Touring Scheme with FEC Packet Loss Recovery" the 10th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2013), pp.150-156NSC 102-2221-E-006-009 24. Chung-Ming Huang, Yi-Chun Lin, Lai Tu, and Shih-Yang Lin "Analysis of the Optimal Cooperation Scope of Bandwidth Sharing in Vehicular Networks" the 13th International Conference on ITS TelecommunicationsNSC 102-2221-E-006-009 25. Syuan-Yi Chen, Chung-Ming Huang, Lai Tu, and Shih-Yang Lin "Activity Recognition for Triggering Cooperative Networking among on-Vehicle Smart Devices" the 13th International Conference on ITS TelecommunicationsNSC 102-2221-E-006-009 26. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, and Wei-Shuang Chen "A Power Efficient Pedestrian Touring Scheme based on Sensor-assisted Positioning and Prioritized Caching for Smart Mobile Devices" the 21th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCom13)NSC 102-2221-E-006 -009 -MY3 27. Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Ming Huang and Chi-Hong Liu "Group Streaming Service for the Public Transportation System over Fixed Mobile Convergence Networks" the 9th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013)NSC101-2219-E-006–002 28. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Yu-Cheng Lin "An adaptive video streaming scheme for a cooperative fleet of vehicles" the 9th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013)NSC101-2219-E-006–002 29. Chung-Ming Huang and Shih-Yang Lin "An Advanced Vehicle Collision Warning algorithm over the DSRC Communication Environment" the 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2013)NSC 100-2219-E-006-002 30. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, Shih-Hao Wang, and Shih-Chin Hsu ""A Farthest-First Forwarding Algorithm in VANETs"," 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2012)NSC 100-2219-E-006-002 31. Chung-Ming Huang, Tzu-Hua Lin, and Kuan-Cheng Tseng ""Bandwidth Aggregation over VANET Using the Geographic Member-Centric Routing Protocol (GMR)"," 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2012)NSC 100-2221-E-006-135-MY2 32. Chung-Ming Huang, Tzu-Hua Lin, and Kuan-Cheng Tseng ""Bandwidth Aggregating over VANET Using the On-Demand Member-Centric Routing Protocol (OMR)"," 2012 International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN2012)NSC 100-2221-E-006-135-MY2 33. Chao-Hsien Lee, Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Wan-Ping Tsai, ""Scheduling Media Transmission for Cooperative Video Streaming over the Hybrid Vehicular Netwroks"," 2012 International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN2012)NSC 101-2219-E-006 -002 34. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, and Ching-Yuan Lin, ""A Channel Busy Rate-Aware Congestion Avoidance Mechanism for the Wireless Ad Hoc Network"" 9th ACM symposium on Performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks (PE-WASUN)NSC 100-2219-E-006-002 35. Chung-Ming Huang, Yih-Chung Chen, and Shih-Yang Lin ""The Qos-aware Order Prediction Scheduling (QOPS) Scheme for Video Streaming Using the Multi-path Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (MP-DCCP)"," 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS2012)NSC 100-2219-E-006 -002 36. Chao-Hsien Lee, Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Hsiao-Yu Lin, "K-hop Packet Forwarding Schemes for Cooperative Video Streaming over Vehicular Networks" 21st International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN2012)The 4th International Workshop on Multimedia Computing and Communication 2012 (MCC2012)NSC 101-2219-E-006-002 37. Chung-Ming Huang, Tzu-Hua Lin, and Cheng-Hsiu Chang "“The Proactive Member-Centric Routing Protocol Using the Several Strategy (PMCS) for the Fleet Scenario in the Hybrid VANET,”" 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2012)NSC 100-2221-E-006-135-MY2 38. Chung-Ming Huang, Tzu-Hua Lin, and Kuan-Cheng Tseng "Bandwidth Aggregating over VANET Using the On-Demand Member-Centric Routing Protocol (OMR)" 2012 International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN2012)NSC 100-2221-E-006-135-MY2 39. Chao-Hsien Lee, Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, and Wan-Ping Tsai "Scheduling Media Transmission for Cooperative Video Streaming over the Hybrid Vehicular Netwroks" 2012 International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN2012)NSC 101-2219-E-006 -002 40. Chung-Ming Huang, Tzu-Hua Lin, and Kuan-Cheng Tseng "Bandwidth Aggregation over VANET Using the Geographic Member-Centric Routing Protocol (GMR)" 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2012)NSC 100-2221-E-006-135-MY2 41. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, Shih-Hao Wang, and Shih-Chin Hsu "A Farthest-First Forwarding Algorithm in VANETs" 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2012)NSC 100-2219-E-006-002 42. 16. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, and Ching-Yuan Lin "A Channel Busy Rate-Aware Congestion Avoidance Mechanism for the Wireless Ad Hoc Network" the 9th ACM symposium on Performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks (PE-WASUN)NSC 100-2219-E-006-002 43. Chung-Ming Huang, Yih-Chung Chen, and Shih-Yang Lin "The Qos-aware Order Prediction Scheduling (QOPS) Scheme for Video Streaming Using the Multi-path Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (MP-DCCP)" the 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS2012)NSC 100-2219-E-006 -002 44. Chung-Ming Huang, Hao-Hsiang Ku and Yen-Wen Chen "Design and Implementation of a Web 2.0 Service Platform for DPWS-based Home-Appliances in the Cloud Environment" Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Frontiers in Networking with Applications (FINA 2011), pp., 2011.NSC 98-2219-E-006-008 45. Chung-Ming Huang, Tsung-Han Hsieh, and Shih-Yang Lin "“A Signal-Aware Fingerprinting-based Positioning Technique in Cellular Networks,”" International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2011)NSC 99-2219-E-006-008 46. Chung-Ming Huang and Shang-Chun Lu "“DEH: A Ubiquitous Heritage Exploring System Using the LBS Mechanism,”" International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2011)NSC 99-2219-E-006-008 47. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, Hsiao-Yu Lin, "“A K-hop Bandwidth Aggregation Scheme for Member-based Cooperative Transmission over Vehicular Networks,”" 17th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS-2011)NSC 100-2219-E-006-002 48. Chao-Hsien Lee, Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang and Tai-Hsiang Wang "“A Cooperative Video Streaming System over the Integrated Cellular and DSRC Networks,” " IEEE 74th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2011-Fall)NSC 100-2219-E-006-003 49. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, Chun-Ming Hu and Alexey Vinel, "“An Open Telematics Service Providing Framework Using the P2P-like Paradigm based on the Somecast Protocol,”" Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications (BCFIC Riga 2011)NSC 99-2219-E-006-008 50. Chunk-Ming Huang, Ming-Sian Lin, and Wen-Yao Chang "A Novel Cache Management Using Geographically Partial Matching for Location-based Services" Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2010), pp., Perth, Australia, 20-23 April 2010 51. 16. Chung-Ming Huang, Lai Tu, Shih-Yang Lin, Chih-Hsun Chou, Cheng-Hung Lin, ""Intelligent Emergent Call-for-Help Algorithm"," International Conference of Information and Communication 52. Chung-Ming Huang and MingSian Lin "Cooperative-Stream Control Transmission Protocol" Proceedings of 2010 International Computer Symposium (ICS2010), pp., 2010.NSC 97-2221-E-006-096-MY2 53. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, Chun-Yu Tseng "A Distributed Telematics Peer-to-Peer (D-TP2P) Networking System for Service Discovery" Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking (NEW2AN), pp., 2010.NSC 98-2219-E-006-009 54. Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Ming Huang , and Hsing-Cheng Wang "The FDPOO: A Flexible Delivering Platform with at-One-time and On-time Guarantees in Opportunistic Networks" Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking (NEW2AN), pp., 2010 55. Lai Tu and Chung-Ming Huang "Collaborative Streaming for Colocated Subscribers in Mobile Networks" Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, (ICSNC-2010), 2010NSC 98-2219-E-006-008 56. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Sian Lin "RG-SCTP: Using the Relay Gateway Approach for Applying SCTP in Vehicular Networks" Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on computers and Communications (ISCC2010), pp., June 2010.NSC 97-2221-E-006-096-MY2 57. Chung-Ming Huang and Shih Yang Lin "Cooperative Collision Early-Warning System on Vehicles for the Curve Environment" Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC2010), pp. , June 2010NSC 98-2219-E-006-008 58. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, Chun-Ming Hu "An Efficient Telematics Service Discovery Scheme over the Centralized Vehicular Peer-to-Peer (C-VP2P) Telematics Service Platform" Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2010), pp, 2010.NSC 98-2219-E-006-009 59. Chung-Ming Huang and Lai Tu "NX3G: Aggregating Multiple 3G connections of a group of mobiles in vehicular environments" Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2010),NSC 98-2219-E-006-008 60. 11. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang and Tz-Heng Hsu "A Fast Handover Control Scheme Using the Extended Beacon (FH-EB) Approach" Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN2010), January 2010NSC 98-2219-E-006-008 61. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, Chia-Ching Yang, Chih-Hsun Anthony Chou "A Collision Pre-Warning Algorithm based on V2V Communication" Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous InformationNSC 98-2219-E-006-008 62. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, Huai-De Huang "An Effective Channel Utilization Scheme for IEEE 1609.4 Protocol" Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous InformationNSC 98-2219-E-006 -008 63. 14. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin and Lun-Chia Kuo, "Error-robust Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC Ubiquitous Streaming" Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous InformationNCS 98-2219-E-006-008 64. 15. Chung-Ming Huang, Lai Tu, and Chih-Hsun Chou "ReWarn: An Opportunistic Relay Scheme for Cooperative Collision Warning in VANET" Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium On Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC09), pp. 2009.NSC 98-2219-E-006-008 65. 16. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Sian Lin, Lik-Hou Chang and Wen-Yao Chang "An MIH-Assisted Handoff Mechanism for Concurrent Multipath Transfer in Wireless Multihomed Networks" Proceedings of The 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC09), pp., 2009NSC 97-2221-E-006-096-MY2 66. 17. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Sian Lin "An Unreliable Concurrent Multipath Transfer Protocol over Multihomed Networks" Proceedings of the 13th IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA 2009), pp.1-5, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S., August 2009NSC 97-2221-E-006-096-MY2 67. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, and Po-Han Tseng "Multiple Router Management for SIP-based Network Mobility" Proceedings of The 14th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'09), pp. 863-868, 2009NSC 97-2219-E-006-001 68. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, and Po-Han Tseng "Multihomed SIP-based Network Mobility using IEEE 802.21 Media" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC09), pp. ,2009NSC 97-2219-E-006-001 69. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin, Chia-Ching Yang and C.H. Chang "An SVC-MDC Video Coding Scheme Using the Multi-core Parallel Programming Paradigm for P2P Video Streaming" Proceedings of The 7th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-2009), pp. 919-926, May 2009NSC 97-2219-E-006-002 70. 21. Chung-Ming Huang and Hao-Hsiang Ku "Design and Implementation of a Blog-based Interactive Patientcare System" Proceedings of The 7th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-2009), pp. 124-131, 2009NSC 97-2219-E-006-001 71. Chung-Ming Huang , Chia-Ching Yang , Chun-Yu Tseng , Chih-Hsun Chou "A Centralized Traffic Control Mechanism for Evacuation of Emergency Vehicles Using the DSRC Protocol" International Symposium on Wireless and Pervasive Computing (ISWPC 2009), pp. 37-41, 2009 72. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Wei Lin "Multiple Priority Region-of-Interest H.264 Video Compression Using Constraint Variable Bitrate Control" Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium (ICS2008), pp. 101-106, 2008NSC97-2219-E-006-002 73. 23. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Sian Lin "Partially Reliable-Concurrent Multipath Transfer (PR-CMT) for Multihomed Networks" Proceedings of the IEEE Globecom (Globecom2008), CD-ROM, 2008NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 74. Chung-Ming Huang, Wan-Ping Tsai and Chung-Wei Lin "A Concurrent Ubiquitous Video Streaming Platform Design Using SVC Techniques and Multi-core Parallelism Programming" Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium (ICS2008), pp. 417-424, 2008NSC97-2219-E-006-002 75. 27. Chung-Ming Huang , Chia-Ching Yang, Chi-Chan, Lee "Proxy Cache Admission and Replacement Policies for Layered Video Streaming" Proceedings of 2008 International Computer Symposium (ICS2008), pp. 637-642, 2008NSC 96-2219-E-006-008 76. 28. Kun-Chan Lan, Chung-Ming Huang and Chang-Zhou Tsai "On the locality of vehicle movement for vehicle-infrastructure communication" Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST08), pp. 116-120, 2008NSC 96-2218-E-006-010 77. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, and Tz-Heng Hsu "A Reactive Tunneling (RT) Scheme to Improve Handover Latency over the Mobile Network Environment" Proceedings of the 4th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2008), pp. 277-282, 2008NSC96-2219-E-006-008 78. Chung-Ming Huang and Chang-Zhou Tsai "A SIP-based Session Mobility Management Framework for Ubiquitous Multimedia Services" Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC08), pp. 636-646, 2008NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 79. 32. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, Jun-Hao Zhuang, Tsung-Yi Tsai, and Chi-Chang Liu "SIP-based Cross-Domain Proxy Handoff for Mobile Streaming Services" roceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN2008), pp. 4-9, 2008NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 80. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin, Cheng-Yen Chuang "A Multiple Layered Audiovisual Streaming System Using the Two-phase Synchronization and FGS/BSAC Techniques" Proceedings of the 22th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2008), pp. 174-180, 2008NSC 96-2219-E-006-008 81. Chung-Ming Huang, Jian-Wei Li "A Context Transfer Mechanism for IEEE 802.11r in the Centralized Wireless LAN Architecture" Proceedings of the 22th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2008), pp. 257-263, 2008NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 82. 35. Hsu-Yang Kung, Chung-Ming Huang, Hao-Hsiang Ku, Yen-Ju Tung "Load Sharing Topology Control Protocol for Harsh Environments in Wireless Sensor Networks" Proceedings of the 22th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2008), pp. 525-530, 2008NSC 96-2625-Z-143-002 83. 36. Kun-chan Lan, Chung-Ming Huang and Chang-Zhou Tsai "A Survey of Opportunistic Networks" Proceedings of the 22th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2008) - The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Opportunistic Networking (WON-08), pp. 1672-1677, 2008 84. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Sian Lin, Hon-Long Wong "Ubiquitous Audio Access in the UPnP Home Network" Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Networking 2008 (ICOIN2008), CD-ROM, 2008NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 85. Chung-Ming Huang, and Jian-Wei Li "One-Pass Authentication and Key Agreement Procedure in IP Multimedia Subsystem for UMTS" Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2007), 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-008 86. Chung-Ming Huang and Ching-Hsien Tsai "WiMP-SCTP: Multi-path Transmission using Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) in Wireless Networks" Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Frontiers in Networking with Applications (FINA 2007), 2007NSC 95-2221-E-006-094 87. Chung-Ming Huang,, Ching-Hsien Tsai, and Jia-Xuan Huang "Enabling Robust Network Fault Tolerance for IP-based Surveillance Systems" Proceedings of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC2007), pp. 39-43, 2007NSC 95-2221-E-006-094 88. Chung-Ming Huang, Hao-Hsiang Ku, Chun-Yu Tseng, Yen-Ju Tung and Yen-Ju Tung "Design and Implement a Web2.0-based Patient-care Surveillance Service Platform" Proceedings of International Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007, pp., 2007NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 89. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang and Chung-Wei Lin "IIPS-ICC: An Intelligent IP-Surveillance Platform Using Interactive Camera-handoff Control" Proceedings of IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing - Workshop on Performance Analysis, Modeling and Architecture, pp. 636-641, 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-009 90. Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu and Meng-Shu Chiang "A Dynamic Forwarding Point (DFP) Control Scheme for Fast Handoff" Proceedings of the 33th Euromicro Conference, pp. 167-174, 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-009 91. Chung-Ming Huang, Chung-Wei Lin, Chia-Ching Yang and Xin-Ying Lin "Network-aware Multimedia Streaming Using the Kalman Filter over the Wired/Wireless/3G Networks" Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME07), pp. 923-926, 2007NSC 95-2219-E-006-009 92. Chung-Ming Huang and Jian-Wei Li "An IEEE 802.11 Fast Reassociation and Pairwise Transient Key establishment Based on the Dynamic Cluster Method" Proceedings of International Computer Symposium 2006 (ICS2006), VOL.2, pp. 567-572, Dec. 2006NSC 95-2219-E-006-008 93. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Wei Lin "H.264 Bit-rate Control Using the 3-D Perceptual Quantization Modeling" Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Globecom Conference (GlobeCom2006), CD-ROM, 2006NSC 95-2219-E-006-009 94. Chung-Ming Huang and Chao-Hsien Lee "Signal Reduction and Local Route Optimization of SIP-based Network Mobility" Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC06), pp. 482-487, 2006NSC 93-2219-E-006-001 95. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, Jin-Wei Lin "A Link Layer Assisted Fast Handoff Scheme Using the Alternative Path Approach" Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2006), pp. 485 - 490, 2006NSC 94-2213-E-006-039 96. Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Chih-We Chao "Developing OSA-based Applications over the Interworking WLAN and Cellular Network Environment" Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM2005), pp., 2005NSC 93-2219-E-006-001 97. Chung-Ming Huang,, Ching-Hsien Tsai, and Ming-Chi Tsai "Design and Implementation of SCTP Video Straming Hot-Plug between Wired and Wireless Networks" Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM2005), pp., 2005NSC 93-2219-E-006-001 98. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Wei Lin "A Hybrid Spatial-Temporal Fine Granular Scalable Coding for Adaptive QOS Internet Video" Proceedings of the 31th Euromicro Conference, pp. 338-344, 2005NSC 93-2219-E-006-002 99. Chung-Ming Huang and Jian-Wei Li "Authentication and key Agreement Protocol for UMTS with Low Bandwidth Consumption" Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2005), pp. 392-397, 2005NSC 93-2219-E-006-001 100. Chung-Ming Huang and Chao-Hsien Lee "Applicatin-Layer Proxy Handoff over the Mobile Network" Proceedings of the 9th IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia System and Applications (Euro IMSA 2004), pp. 191-196, 2005 101. Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Ming-Fa Hsu "A File Discovers Control Scheme for P2P File Sharing Applications in the Wireless Mobile Networking Environment" Proceedings of the 28th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2005), pp. 39-48, 2005NSC 93-2213-E-006-031 102. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, and Meng-Da Tsai "Scalable MPEG-4 Streaming over the Mobile Networks Environment" Proceedings of International Computer Symposium (ICS 2004), pp. 489-492, 2004NSC 93-2219-E-006-001 103. Chung-Ming Huang, Ching-Hsien Tsai, and Po-Chou Su "Design and Implementation of an IPv6 Multihoming Gateway Combining Router-based and Host-based Approaches" Proceedings of National Symposium on Telecommunications (NTS 2004), pp. 648-653, 2004NSC 92-2219-E-006-003 104. Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Ming-Fa Hsu "A Distributed File Service Architecture for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Applications in Mobile Networking" Proceedings of 2004 Cross-Strait Information Technology Conference (CSIT 2004), pp. 96-102, 2004 105. Chung-Ming Huang, Ching-Hsien Tsai, and Po-Chou Su "A Hybrid Approach for IPv6 Multihoming Providing Fault Tolerance and Load Balancing Capabilities" Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Communication and Computer Networks (CCN 2004), pp. 92-97, 2004NSC 92-2219-E-006-003 106. Chung-Ming Huang and Pei-Chuan Liu "A Ubiquitous l-to-k Media Streaming Architecture Using the IPv4/IPv6 Multicast Transition Gateway Approach" Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), VOL. 2, pp. 204-207, 2004NSC 91-2219-E-006-004 107. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, Yuan-Tse Yu, and Chung-Yi Lai "A Location-aware Layer 7 Proxy Handoff Mechanism over the Mobile Network Environment" Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2004), VOL. 2, pp. 274-277, 2004NSC 92-2219-E-006-004 108. Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu "Design and Performance Evaluation of a Price-based Cache Algorithm for Mobile Web Services" Proceedings of International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS), pp.143-154, 2003NSC 91-2213-E-006-081 109. Ren-Hung Hwang and Chung-Ming Huang "An Innovative Teaching Program for Network Applications and Services" Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE), CD-ROM, 2003 110. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Tse Yu,and Guo-Shiung Liau "A Statistical Flow Control Mechanism for Layered Multimedia over the Differentiated Service Network" Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), pp., 2003NSC 91-2219-E-006-005 111. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Tse Yu,and Yi-Wei Lin "An Adaptive Control Scheme for Real-Time Media Streaming over Wireless Networks" Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), pp.373-378, 2003NSC 91-2219-E-006-004 112. Sheau-Ru Tong, Yuan-Tse Yu and Chung-Ming Huang "Guaranteeing Quality-of-Service for Delivery of Compressed Videos based on GOP-Aware Effective Envelopes" IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Switzerland, VOL. 2, pp. 461-464, 26-29 Aug 2002NSC 88-2219-E-020-001 113. Chung-Ming Huang, Yu-Chang Chao, and Yi-Wei Lin "Real-Time Audio Streaming Using the Adaptive Redundant Scheme over Wireless IP Networks" Proceedings of International Computer Symposium (ICS 2002), pp., 2002NSC 90-2219-E-006-006 114. Chung-Ming Huang, and Ching-Hsien Tsai "A Layered Cache Scheme for Internet Video Proxies" Proceedings of International Computer Symposium (ICS 2002), pp.349-354, 2002NSC 90-2213-E-006-108 115. Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, and Tz-Heng Hsu "An Adaptive Architecture for Multi-Stream Authoring and Presentations in Distributed Networks" Proceedings of International Symposium on Cyber Worlds: Theory and Practice, pp.201-208, 2002NSC 90-2219-E-006-006 116. Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu "An Intelligent Prefetching Policy for Interactive Video Applications" Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Information Systems and Database (ISDB), pp.349-354, 2002NSC 90-2213-E-006-108 117. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Tse Yu, and Wei-Cheng Tseng "A Differentiated Multicast Controlling Mechanism for Layered Video Delivery on the Best-Effort-based Networks" Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN2002), pp.349-354, 2002NSC 90-2219-E-006-008 118. Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Chi-Kuang Chang "A Proxy-based Adaptive Flow Control Scheme for Media Streaming" Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC2002), pp. 750-754, 2002NSC 89-2218-E-006-030 119. Sheau-Ru Tong, Yuan-Tse Yu and Chung-Ming Huang "Efficient Resource Reservation based on Communication Paradigms for Multicast Multimedia Communications" IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Tokyo, Aug 2001NSC 90-2219-E-020-001 120. Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, and Pi-Fung Shih "An Interactive Audio and Video Station over Internet" Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2001), pp. 582-589, 2001NSC 89-2219-E-006-019 121. Chung-Ming Huang and Chi-Kuang Chang "An Adaptive Multimedia Presentation Architecture and System" Proceedings of International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS 2001), pp., 2001NSC 89-2218-E-006-030 122. Chung-Ming Huang and Yu- Chang Chao "Universal WWW Access for Heterogeneous Client Devices" Proceedings of EuroMicro2001 - EuroMicro Workshop on Multimedia and Telecommunications, pp. 315-322, 2001 123. Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, and Rey-Lun Chang "QOS Streaming based on a Media Filtering System" Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2001), pp. 661-666, 2001NSC 89-2219-E-006-020 124. Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, and Yi-Guwan Chang "A Layering Media Multicast System over Internet with the QOS Support" Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling, and Analysis, pp., 2001NSC89-221p-E-006-020 125. Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, and Pi-Fung shih "The Development of an Interactive Music Station over Internet" Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN-15), pp. 279-284, 2001NSC 89-2219-E-006-019 126. Chung-Ming Huang and Yu-Chang Chao "A Markup Language and System for Heterogeneous I/O Devices" Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN-15), pp. 427-434, 2001 127. Sheau-Ru Tong, Yuan-Tse Yu and Chung-Ming Huang "A Resource Reservation Protocol for Deterministically Multiplexing Compressed Video streams over Wide-Area Networks" IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, pp. 173-178, 11-13 Dec 2000 128. Hsu-Yang Kung and Chung-Ming Huang "A Multiple-stream Multimedia Middle wave Based on Multicast Communication" Proceedings of International Computer Symposium (ICS2000), pp. 64-71, 2000NSC 88-2219-E-006-019 129. Ming-Yuhe Jang and Chung-Ming Huang "An SNMP-enabled and Web-based Network Management System Applied to Internet Telephony" Proceedings of International Computer Symposium (ICS2000), pp.239-245, 2000 130. Chung-Ming Huang and Hsu-Yang Kung "Mcast: A Multicast Multimedia Communication Software Development Platform" Proceedings of European Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia System and Telecommunication Service, pp. 53-60, 2000NSC 88-2219-E-006-012 131. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Yuhe Jang "Surfing the Web Using a Telephone Set" Proceedings of Euromicro 2000 - Euromicro Workshop on Multimedia and Telecommunications, VOL. II, pp. 126-133, 2000NSC 88-2622-E-006-007 132. Chung-Ming Huang, Chiang Wang, and Hsu-Yang Kung "A Synchronization and Flow Control Scheme for Interactive Multimedia-on-Demand (MoD) systems" Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems(ICPADS 2000), pp. 39-46, 2000NSC 89-2213-E-006-049 133. Chung-Ming Huang, and Jeng-Muh Hsu "An Estelle-based Probabilistic Partial Timed Protocol Verification System" Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems(ICPADS 2000),pp. 83-90, 2000NSC 85-2213-E-006-062 134. Chung-Ming Huang, Hsu-Yang Kung, and Jiong-Liang Yang, "PARK: A Pause-And-Run K-Stream Multimedia Synchronization Control Scheme" Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 272-279, 2000NSC 88-2219-E-006-011 135. Chung-Ming Huang and Hsu-Yang Kung "A Synchronization Model and Framework for Multiple-Stream Multicast Communication Services" Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling, and Analysis, pp. 271-288, 2000NSC 88-2219-E-006-011 136. Chung-Ming Huang, Chian Wang, and Pei-Chuan Liu "An Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Control Mechanism and Development System" Proceedings of the 5th Joint Conference on Information Science-workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking (IMMCN 2000), pp. 734-737, 2000NSC 89-2219-E-006-049 137. Chung-Ming Huang, Hsu-Yang Kung, and Jiong-Liang Yang "An Adaptive Multimedia Synchronization Control Scheme for Reliable K-Stream Transport" Proceedings of 1999 International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM 99), pp. 509-513, 1999NSC 88-2219-E-006-011 138. Chung-Ming Huang, Hsu-Yang Kung, and Jiong-Liang Yang "A Synchronization Control Scheme Using the Pause-And-Run Approach for K-Stream Multimedia Presentations over Unbounded-Jitter Networks" Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications, pp.133-135, 1999NSC 88-2622-E-006-007 139. Chung-Ming Huang and Hsu-Yang Kung "A Multicast Multiple-Stream Multimedia Presentation System over Internet" Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS99), pp., 1999NSC 87-2622-E-006-008 140. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Yuhe Jang "HPML: Hyper Phone Markup Language and Its Application" Proceedings of 1998 International Computer Symposium (ICS98), pp. 177-184, 1998NSC 86-2622-E-006-003 141. Chung-Ming Huang and Pei-Chuan Liu "A Multicast Communication System Over Internet and Its Application" Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS98), pp. 678-685, 1998NSC 88-2219-E-006-012 142. Chung-Ming Huang, Chian Wang, and Cheng-Yi Kuo "A Master-Medium-based Interactive Synchronization Control Scheme for Distributed Multimedia Systems" Proceedings of Euromicro98 - Euromicro Workshop on Multimedia and Telecommunications, pp. 506-513, 1998NSC 86-2622-E-006-003 143. Chung-Ming Huang, Chian Wang, and Jeng-Muh Hsu "Formal Modeling and Design of Multimedia Synchronization for Interactive Multimedia Presentations in Distributed Environments" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. 458-459, 1998NSC 85-2213-E-006-062 144. Chung-Ming Huang, Chih-Hao Lin, and Chian Wang "A DEFSM Model for Modeling Interactive Multimedia Synchronization" Proceedings of Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications, pp. 412-421, 1998NSC 86-2213-E-006-071 145. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Yuhe Jang "Robust Audio Transmission and Its Application" Proceedings of International Symposium on Internet Technology, pp. 73-78, 1998NSC 86-2622-E-006-003 146. Chung-Ming Huang, Chih-Hao Lin, and Chian Wang "An EFSM-based Formal Modeling for Providing VCR-Like Functions in Multimedia Systems" Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Engineering - Workshop on Multimedia Software Engineering, pp. 12-19, 1998NSC 85-2213-E-006-062 147. Chung-Ming Huang and Chian Wang "Interactive Multimedia Communications at the Presentation Layer" Proceedings of European Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, pp. 410-419, 1997NSC 86-2213-E-006-071 148. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Yuhe Jang "Handoff Architectures and Protocols for Transmitting Compressed Multimedia Information in Mobile PCSs" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. 380-381, 1997NSC 85-2213-E-006-014 149. Chung-Ming Huang and Hsu-Yang Kung "A Synchronization Infrastructure for Multicast Multimedia at the Presentation Layer" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. 66-67, 1997NSC 86-2213-E-006-071 150. Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, and Hsu-Yang Kung "Techniques and Applications of Acoustic Media Transmission in Internet" Proceedings of 1997 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications, pp. 223-231, 1997NSC 86-2213-E-006-071 151. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Yuhe Jang "Browsing World Wide Web via Telephones" Proceedings of 1997 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications, pp. 232-239, 1997NSC 86-2213-E-006-071 152. Chung-Ming Huang and Chian Wang "Distributed Interactive Multimedia Synchronization Using the Optimistic Approach" Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Networking, pp. 1B-3.1-1B-3.10, 1997NSC 86-2213-E-006-071 153. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, and Shiun-Wei Lee "Probabilistic Partial Protocol Verification for Estelle-Specified Protocols" Proceedings of IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, pp. 1473-1477, 1996NSC 85-2213-E-006-014 154. Chung-Ming Huang, Hsu-Yang Kung, and Pei-Chuan Liu "Multimedia Presentation Control and Management Schemes on Multicast Communication Environments" Proceedings of IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, pp. 1492-1496, 1996NSC 85-2213-E-006-062 155. Chung-Ming Huang, Chian Wang, Chih-Hao Lin, and Jyh-Shiou Chen "Multimedia Synchronization with User Interactions Using the FSM Approach" Proceedings of IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, pp. 1521-1525, 1996NSC 85-2213-E-006-062 156. Chung-Ming Huang and Chian Wang "An FSM Approach for Modeling Interactive Multimedia Synchronization" Proceedings of 1996 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications, pp. 159-168, 1996NSC 85-2213-E-006-062 157. Chung-Ming Huang, Hsu-Yang Kung, and Pei-Chuan Liu "A Multicast Speech Networking Architecture in Internet" Proceedings of 1996 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications, pp. 313-319, 1996NSC 85-2213-E-006-062 158. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Yuhe Jang "A Data Flow Protocol Test Sequence Generation Method" Proceedings of 1996 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies and Applications, pp. 377-385, 1996NSC 85-2213-E-006-014 159. Chung-Ming Huang, Chian Wang, Chih-Hao Lin, and Jyh-Shiou Chen "Synchronization Architectures and Control Schemes for Interactive Multimedia Presentations" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. 241-246, 1996NSC 85-2213-E-006-062 160. Chung-Ming Huang and Ruey-Yang Lee "Mathematical Analysis of QOPs for Live Multimedia Synchronization" Proceedings of 1996 Workshop on Computer Communication Networks, pp. 173-198, 1996NSC 84-2213-E-006-01 161. Chung-Ming Huang and Ruey-Yang Lee "A Multimedia Synchronization Protocol for Live Presentations" Proceedings of International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM95), pp. 165-172, 1995NSC 84-2213-E-006-019 162. Chung-Ming Huang and Ruey-Yang Lee "Multimedia Synchronization for Live Presentations Using the N-Buffer Approach" Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, pp. 244-251, 1995NSC 84-2213-E-006-019 163. Chung-Ming Huang and Yao-Fang Chu "An ODA-Like Multimedia Authoring and Presenting System" Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Real-Time and Media Systems, pp. 101-106, 1995NSC 84-2213-E-006-019 164. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Ming Lo "Scheduling Multimedia Presentation Based on the EFSM Model" Proceedings of 1995 Pacific Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems, pp. 26-33, 1995NSC 83-0408-E-006-013 165. Chung-Ming Huang, Shiun-Wei Lee, and Jeng-Muh Hsu "Probabilistic Timed Protocol Verification for the Extended State Transition Model" Proceedings of 1994 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPAD94), pp. 432-437, 1994NSC 83-0408-E-006-013 166. Chung-Ming Huang, Shiun-Wei Lee, and Jeng-Muh Hsu "The Fuzzy Time Communicating State Machine (FTCSM) for Communication Protocols" Proceedings of 1994 International Computer Symposium (ICS94), pp. 848-853, 1994NSC 83-0408-E-006-013 167. Chung-Ming Huang and Meng-Shu Chiang "Protocol Test Sequence Generation for EFSM-Specified Protocols" Proceedings of 1994 International Computer Symposium (ICS94), pp. 842-847, 1994NSC 83-0408-E-006-013 168. Chung-Ming Huang, Shiun-Wei Lee, and Jeng-Muh Hsu "The Timed Communicating State Machine (TCSM) for Communication Protocols" Proceedings of the 20th EUROMICRO Conference, pp. 470-477, 1994NSC 83-0408-E-006-013 169. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu "An Incremental Maximal Progress Protocol Verification for ECFSM-based Protocols" Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Systems Integration (ICSI94), 1994NSC 81-0408-E-006-568 170. Chung-Ming Huang and Meng-Shu Chiang "An Object-Oriented Protocol Specification System Using the Reusable Concept" Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Systems Integration (ICSI94), 1994NSC 83-0408-E-006-013 171. Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, and Duen-Tay Huang "A State-Transition-based Incremental Protocol Specification" Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Computer Science Conference (ACM CSC94), pp. 30-37, 1994. NSC 83-0408-E-006-005 172. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Ming Lo "A Platform for Multimedia Information Exchange" Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC94), pp. 551-555, 1994 173. Chung-Ming Huang, Meng-Shu Chiang, and Shiun-Wei Lee, and Yaw-Wei Yao "An Automatic Half-Converter Generator" Proceedings of 1993 International Symposium on Communications, (ISCOM93), pp. 16.20-16.27, 1993NSC 82-0408-E-006-417 174. Chung-Ming Huang, Huei-Yang Lai, and D. T. Huang "A Reduced Incremental ECFSM-based Protocol Verification" Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Internation Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC93), pp. 166-172, 1993NSC 81-0408-E-006-568 175. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, Huei-Yang Lai, Jao-Chiang Pong, and Duen-Tay Huang "An ESTELLE Interpreter for Incremental Protocol Verification" Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP93), pp. 326-333, 1993NSC 81-0408-E-006-568 176. Chung-Ming Huang and Jeng-Muh Hsu "An ECFSM-based Maximal Progress Protocol Verification" Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control, and Power Engineering (TENCON93), pp. 527-530, 1993NSC 81-0408-E-006-568 177. Chung-Ming Huang and Duen-Tay Huang "A Backward Protocol Verification Method" Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control, and Power Engineering (TENCON93), pp. 515-518, 1993NSC 83-0408-E-006-005 178. Chung-Ming Huang, Jeng-Muh Hsu, Huei-Yang Lai, Jao-Chiang Pong, and Duen-Tay Huang "An Incremental Protocol Verification Method for ECFSM-based Protocols" Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Annual Conference on Computer Assurance (COMPASS93) , pp. 87-97, 1993NSC 81-0408-E-006-568 179. Chung-Ming Huang "An Estelle-based Protocol Verification System" Workshop on computer communication Networks, pp. 366-380, 1993NSC 81-0408-E-006-568 180. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming T. Liu "An Incremental Protocol Test Method: Formal Modeling and Architecture" Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Systems Integration (ICSI92), pp. 499-508, 1992 181. Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, and Ming T. Liu "A Computer-Aided Incremental Protocol Test Sequence Generation: the Production Systems Approach" Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications (PCCC91), pp. 608-614, 1991 182. Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, and Ming T. Liu "An Executable Rule-Based Specification and Its Incremental Implementation for Communication Protocols" International Computer Symposium (ICS), pp. 220-225, 1990 183. Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, and Ming T. Liu "PDPS: A Protocol Design System by Production Systems Approach" Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Systems Integration (ICSI90), pp. 186-195, 1990 國內會議 1. Chung-Ming Huang, Y.-S. Tsay, Tzu-Hua Lin, Roger R. Gung, S.-P. Lin, Chih-Wei Tsai, Y.-U. Yu "The impact Analysis on Comfort Level by Setting Temperature and Wind Speed in the Smart Buildings" the National Computer Symposium (NCS)NSC 102-2221-E-006-114 2. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, Ssu-Wei Wu, Shih-Hao Wang, and Kai-Jie Chang "An Energy Management System based on Users' Behavior" the 19th Conference on Information Management and PracticeNSC 102-2221-E-006-114 3. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, Ssu-Wei Wu, Shih-Hao Wang, and Kai-Jie Chang "Personalized Platform for Battery Life Extension" the Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE)NSC 102-2221-E-006-114 4. Chung-Ming Huang, Y.-S. Tsay, Tzu-Hua Lin, Roger R. Gung, S.-P. Lin, Chih-Wei Tsai, Wei-Wen Wu "Adjustment of the comfort by Controlling Temperature and Wind Speed dynamically in the Smart Buildings" the Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE)NSC 102-2221-E-006-00 5. Meng-Shu Chiang, Chung-Ming Huang, and Dao Duy Tuan "A Group-Based Fast handover Control Scheme for the Multiple Node Environment" National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST-2013)102-2221-E-006 -114 - MY3 6. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, Han-Lin Wang, Shih-Hao Wang, and Shih-Chin Hsu "Flexible Vehicle Schedule System" the 18th conference on information management and practice 7. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, and Tsung-Han Hsieh, "A Context-Aware Mobile Advertisement System" National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST-2011)NSC 100-2219-E-006-002 8. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, and Cheng-Jung Lin, "Vehicle Real Time & On-Site Call-for-Help System" National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST-2011) 9. Chung-Ming Huang, Yih-Chung Chen, Shih-Yang Lin, and Cheng-Jung Lin, "Emergency Event Dispatch System" Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE-2011) 10. Chung-Ming Huang; Tzu-Hua Lin; Cheng-Hsiu Chang ""A Reactive Member-Centric Routing Protocol Using the Merged Strategy (RMCM) for Bandwidth Aggregation in the Hybrid Vehicular Networks," Cross-Strait Information Technology Conference (CSIT 2011)NSC 100-2221-E-006-135-MY2 11. Chung-Ming Huang; Tzu-Hua Lin; Cheng-Hsiu Chang "A Reactive Member-Centric Routing Protocol Using the Merged Strategy (RMCM) for Bandwidth Aggregation in the Hybrid Vehicular Networks" the Cross-Strait Information Technology Conference (CSIT 2011)NSC 100-2221-E-006-135-MY2 12. Chung-Ming Huang, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Shih-Yang Lin, Chih-Hsun Chou, Cheng-Hung Lin ""Positioning Algorithm based on Fingerprinting Database in GSM Networks"," 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics 13. Chung-Ming Huang, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Shih-Yang Lin, Chih-Hsun Chou, Cheng-Hung Lin "Positioning Algorithm based on Fingerprinting Database in GSM Networks" 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics 14. Chung-Ming Huang, Shih-Yang Lin, Chia-Ching Yang, Chih-Hsun Chou "Intersection Collision Warning for Telematics" Proceedings of 2008 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, pp. 154-160, 2008 15. 31. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang and Chung-Wei Lin "An MPEG-21 DIA-based Ubiquitous video Streaming Using Improved SIP Signaling" Proceedings of 2008 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies: Human- Centric Smart Living Technology, pp. , 2008NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 16. Chung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee and Chi-Shuai Yeh "A Vertical Handoff Mechanism for Multimedia Streaming Services" Proceedings of the 1st Taiwan-Japan Joint Conference on Communication Technologies, pp. 56-60, Nov. 2007NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 17. Chung-Ming Huang, Wei-Ting Lin, Chi-Ling Chen, Hao-Hsiang Ku, Cheng-Wei Lin "Design and Implement a Web2.0-based Realtime Interactive Situation-aware Patient-care Service Platform" Proceedings of the National Computer Symposium (NCS2007), pp., 2007.NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 18. 40. Chung-Ming Huang, Ming-Sian Lin and Hon-Long Wong "Web-based Remote IAs Access over UPnP" Proceedings of National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST2007), CD-ROM, November 2007.NSC 96-2219-E-006-007 19. Chung-Ming Huang and Ching-Hsien Tsai "Path Handover of Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) in Wireless Mobile Networks " Proceedings of National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST 2007), CD-ROM, November 2007NSC 95-2221-E-006-094-MY2 20. Chung-Ming Huang, Ting-Yu Wang, Hong-Jhe Lai and Chung-Wei Lin "An H.264 SVC-based Robust Video Streaming System Using the Adaptive Interleaving Coding Technique and Unequal Error Protection" Proceedings of Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, NSC 96-2219-E-006-008 21. Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang and Chung-Wei Lin "nter-camera Interaction Control and Camera-handoff Schemes for the" Proceedings of 2007 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies: NSC 95-2219-E-006-009 22. Chung-Ming Huang and Chang-Zhou Tsai "A SIP-based Hierarchical Session Mobility Management (SIP-HSMM) Architecture and Control Schemes" Proceedings of National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST 2006), CD-ROM, 2006NSC 95-2219-E-006-008 23. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Wei Lin "An Adaptive Multi-camera Video Surveillance System for Building" Proceedings of 2006 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies: Building a Safe, Secured and Sound (3S) Living Environment, CD-ROM., 2006NSC 93-2219-E-006-002 24. Chung-Ming Huang and Ming-Sian Lin "Inter-IA Interaction Development for a Digital Home Network" Proceedings of 2006 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies: Building a Safe, Secured and Sound (3S) Living Environment, CD-ROM, 2006 25. Chung-Ming Huang, Tz-Heng Hsu, and Chih-We Chao "An OSA-based Applications for Mobile Users over the Internetworking WLAN and Cellular Networks" Proceedings of 2005 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies, CD-ROM, 2005NSC 93-2219-E-006-001 26. Chung-Ming Huang, Ching-Hsien Tsai, and Ming-Chi Tsai "Video Streaming Hot-Plug between Wired and Wireless Networks" Proceedings of 2005 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies, CD-ROM, 2005NSC 93-2219-E-006-001 27. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Yi Lai, and Chao-Hsien Lee "A Location-based 3-tier Multimedia Transmission Platform over Mobile Wireless Networks" Proceedings of National Computer Symposium (NCS), CD-ROM, 2003NSC 92-2219-E-006-004 28. Chung-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu "An Ultra-based Message Routing Architecture for Heterogeneous P2P File Sharing Networks" Proceedings of National Computer Symposium (NCS), CD-ROM,2003NSC 92-2213-E-006-025 29. Cheng-Ming Huang and Tz-Heng Hsu "Design and Performance Evaluation of a Cache Algorithm Assist to Improve the Revenue of Mobile Service Provider" Proceedings of 2003 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies, CD-ROM, 2003NSC 91-2213-E-006-081 30. Chung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Tse Yu, and Guo-Shiung Liau "An Adaptive Differentiated Service Multicast Gateway for Layered Multimedia Delivering" Proceedings of 2003 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies, CD-ROM, 2003NSC 90-2219-E-006-006 31. Chung-Ming Huang and Yu- Chang Chao "Universal WWW Access for Personal Mobil Communication Services" Proceedings of the 7th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 51-58, 2001 32. Chung-Ming Huang and Chung-Ming Lo "A Multimedia Information Exchange System" Proceedings of 1993 National Computer Symposium (NCS93), pp. 481-488, 1993 33. Chung-Ming Huang and Huei-Yang Lai "A Protocol Verification Technique for ECFSM-based N-Entity Protocols" National Symposium of Telecommunications, pp. 467-472, 1992NSC 81-0408-E-006-568 34. Chung-Ming Huang and Jaw-Chiang Pong "An ECFSM-based Fair Progress Protocol Verification" National Symposium of Telecommunications, pp. 473-478, 1992NSC 81-0408-E-006-568 |
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