  • 王士豪

    王士豪教授 兼 副系主任 兼 醫資所所長 兼 AI學程主任


    系所別:資訊系 / 資訊所 / 醫資所 / AI學程

    電話:06-2757575 ext 62519

    E-mail:shyhhau@gmail.com; shyhhau@mail.ncku.edu.tw

    實驗室:生醫超音波系統實驗室 (資訊系館新大樓8F 65804)




    美國 \ 賓州州立大學 \ 生物醫學工程 (Bioengineering) \ 博士(0000 ~ 0000)

    美國 \ Drexel University \ 生物醫學工程 \ 碩士(0000 ~ 0000)

    美國 \ Drexel University \ 電機工程所計算機工程組 \ 碩士(0000 ~ 0000)


    Density/solute monitor of multi-modalities and signal processing scheme, US Patent


    Refereed Papers

    1. Chih-Chung Huang, Yi-Hsun Lin, and Shyh-Hau Wang "The Effect of Kinetic Properties on Statistical Variations of Ultrasound Signals Backscattered from Flowing Blood" Japanese journal of applied physics, 48(2):27002-27009, 2009.SCI

    2. Chih-Chung Huang, Qifa Zhou, Dawei Wu, Hossein Ameri, Lei Sun, Shyh-Hau Wang, Mark S. Humayun, and K. Kirk Shung "Determining acoustic properties of the lens using a high frequency ultrasonic needle transducer" Ultrasound in medicine and biology, 33(12):1971-1977, 2007.SCI/EI

    3. Chih-Chung Huang and Shyh-Hau Wang "Statistic variations of ultrasound signals backscattered from flowing blood" Ultrasound in medicine and biology, 33(12):1943-1954, 2007.SCI/EI

    4. C. C. Huang and S. H. Wang "Assessment of Blood Coagulation under Various Flow Conditions with Ultrasound Backscattering " IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, 54(12):2223-2230, 2007.SCI/EI

    5. Chih-Chung Huang, Hossein Ameri, Charles DeBoer, Adrian P. Rowley, Xiaochen Xu, Lei Sun, Shyh-Hau Wang, Mark S. Humayun, and K. Kirk Shung "Evaluation of lens hardness in cataract surgery using high frequency ultrasonic parameters in vitro" Ultrasound in medicine and biology, 33(10):1609-1616, 2007.SCI/EI

    6. Chih-Chung Huang, Lei Sun, Seth Hammond Dailey, Shyh-Hau Wang, and K. Kirk Shung "High frequency ultrasonic characterization of human vocal fold tissue" Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(3):1827-1832, 2007.SCI

    7. C. C. Huang, P. H. Tsui, and S. H. Wang "Detection of Coagulating Blood under Steady Flow by Statistical Analysis of Backscattered Signals" IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 54(2):435-442, 2007.SCI/EI

    8. Po-Hsiang Tsui, Chih-Chung Huang, Chien-Cheng Chang, Shyh-Hau Wang, and K. Kirk Shung "Feasibility study of using high-frequency ultrasonic Nakagami imaging for characterizing the cataract lens in vitro" Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(21):6413-6425, 2007.SCI/EI

    9. C. C. Huang and Shyh-Hau Wang "Characterization of Blood Properties from Coagulating Blood of Different Hematocrits Using Ultrasonic Backscatter and Attenuation" Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45(9A):7191-7196, 2006.SCI

    10. 蔣懷孝, 林如瀚, 王士豪 "手指最大肌力的力量變化速率與腦波之研究" 台灣運動心理學報, 8:17-34, 2006.

    11. P. H. Tsui, C. C. Huang, and S. H. Wang "Use of Nakagami Distribution and Logarithmic Compression in Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization" Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 26(2):69-73, 2006.EI/SCIE

    12. C. C. Huang, P. H. Tsui, and S. H. Wang "Detecting the process of blood coagulation and clot formation with high frequency ultrasounds" Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 31(11):1567-1573, 2005.EI/SCIE

    13. C. C. Huang, S. H. Wang, and P. H. Tsui "In vitro study on the assessment of blood coagulation and clot formation using Doppler Ultrasound" Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44(12):8727–8732, 2005.SCI

    14. C. C. Huang, S. H. Wang, and P. H. Tsui "Detection of blood coagulation and clot formation using quantitative ultrasonic parameters,”" Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 31(11):1567-1573, 2005.SCI/EI

    15. P. H. Tsui, S. H. Wang, and C. C. Huang "In vitro effects of ultrasound with different energies on the conduction properties of neural tissue" Ultrasonics, 43(7):56-61, 2005.SCI/EI

    16. P. H. Tsui, S. H. Wang, C. C. Huang, and Chun-Yi Chiu, "Quantitative analysis of noise influence on the detection of scatterer concentration by Nakagami parameter" Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 25(2):45-51, 2005.EI/SCIE

    17. P. H. Tsui, S. H. Wang, and C. C. Huang "The effect of logarithmic compression on estimation of Nakagami parameter for ultrasonic tissue characterization: a simulation study" Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50(14):3235-3244, 2005.SCI/EI

    18. P. H. Tsui and S. H. Wang "The effect of transducer characteristics on the estimation of Nakagami parameter as a function of scatterer concentration" Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 30(10):1345-1353, 2004.SCI/EI

    19. P. H. Tsui and S. H. Wang "A study on the simulation of medical ultrasound using a simplified model for ultrasonic backscattering" Journal of Health Management, 2(2):193-198, 2004.

    20. S. H. Wang and P. H. Tsui "Ultrasonic techniques to assess the properties of hard and soft biological tissues" Key Eng. Mater., 270-273:2055-2060, 2004.SCI/EI

    21. S. H. Wang, Y. T. Chen, C. S. Weng, P. H. Tsui, J. L. Huang, and K. C. Chiang "A clinical therapeutic assessment for the administration of different modes of ultrasounds to stimulate the Zusanli acupuncture point of hypertension patients" Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 23(4):221-228, 2003.EI/SCIE

    22. J. H. Lee, C. L. Tsai, C. H. Fann, and S. H. Wang "Design of an acousto-magnetic oxygen sensor" Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 22(4):193-198, 2002.EI/SCIE

    23. S. Maruvada, K. K. Shung, and S. H. Wang "High frequency backscatter and attenuation measurements of porcine erythrocyte suspensions between 30-90 MHz" Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 28(8):1081-1088, 2002.SCI/EI

    24. S. H. Wang, J. D. Liao, F. C. Tsai, and C. L. Tsai "Measurements of high frequency ultrasonic backscattering from blood - frequencies ranged from 5 to 42.5 MHz" Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 21(2):105-110, 2001.EI/SCIE

    25. S. H. Wang and K. K. Shung "In vivo measurements of ultrasonic backscattering in blood " IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 48(2):425-431, 2001. SCI/EI

    26. S. H. Wang, L. P. Lee, and J. S. Lee "A linear relation between the compressibility and density of blood" Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(1):390-396, 2001.SCI

    27. J. D. Liao, S. H. Wang, and D. J. Hsu "Studies on the early detection of wastewater’s toxicity using a microbial sensing system" Sensors and Actuator B Chemical, 72:167-173, 2001.SCI/EI

    28. C. L. Tsai, C. S. Fann, S. H. Wang, and R. F. Fung "Paramagnetic oxygen measurements using an optical-fiber microphone" Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, 73:211-21, 2001.SCI/EI

    29. S. Maruvada, K. K. Shung, and S. H. Wang "High frequency backscatter and attenuation measurements of selected bovine tissues between 10-30 MHz" Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 26(6):1043-1049, 2000.SCI

    30. C. S. Weng, S. H. Wang, Y. H. Chang, J. G. Lin, Z. D. Chen, and J. Y. Chen "The evaluation of diode laser acupuncture in the treatment of hypertension" J. of Chinese Medical Sciences, 1(1):9-15, 2000.

    31. E. L. Madsen, F. Dong, G. R. Frank, B. S. Garra, K. A. Wear, T. Wilson, J. A. Zagzebski, H. L. Miller, K. K. Shung, S. H. Wang, E. J. Feleppa, T. Liu, W. D. O'Brien, K. A. Topp, N. T. Sanghvi, A. V. Zaitsev, T. J. Hall, J. B. Fowlkes, O. D. Kripfgans, and J. G. Miller "Interlaboratory comparison of ultrasonic backscatter, attenuation, and speed measurements" Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 18:615-632, 1999.SCI

    32. S. H. Wang and K. K. Shung "Spatial variation of ultrasonic backscatter from flowing whole blood" J. of Medical Ultrasound, 92-100, 1999.

    33. S. H. Wang and K. K. Shung "An approach for measuring ultrasonic backscattering from biological tissues with focused transducers" IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, 44(7):549-554, 1997.SCI/EI

    34. S. H. Wang, P. H. Chang, K. K. Shung, and H. Levene, "Some considerations on the measurement of mean frequency shift and Integrated backscatter following administration of Albunex" Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 22(4):441-451, 1996.SCI



    計畫名稱 起迄日期 補助單位
    探討具調控與長期性原處監控傷口癒合過程的超音波技術2009 ~ 2012國科會
    建立生物模擬骨系統應用於骨質疏鬆症之研究探討-以超音波刺激及特性化骨質疏鬆症細胞活性之反應2006 ~ 2009國科會
    植入式生物感測系統(主持子計畫五:結合生物組織評估及藥物釋放功能之前瞻式超音波系統研發2006 ~ 2009國科會
    發展超音波逆散射為基礎的統計參數以應用於血液及軟組織之特性識別2006 ~ 2009國科會
    研發超音波功能性影像與新參數以定量識別生物組織的特性(3/3)2005 ~ 2006國科會
    研製眼科檢測用之高頻超音波影像量測系統2005 ~ 2006國科會
    脈衝式都卜勒超音波系統之研製與評估2004 ~ 2005國科會
    研發超音波功能性影像與新參數以定量識別生物組織的特性(2/3)2004 ~ 2005國科會
    研發超音波功能性影像與新參數以定量識別生物組織的特性(1/3)2003 ~ 2004國科會
    以離體模式研究神經組織受不同強度超音波刺激後的反應2003 ~ 2004國科會
    超音波針灸儀系統之實現與臨床療效之探討(2/2)2002 ~ 2003國科會
    超音波針灸儀系統之實現與臨床療效之探討(1/2)2001 ~ 2002國科會
    高頻超音波於顯微結構與微循環血流的量測2001 ~ 2002國科會
    血液、骨與其它生物組織的超音波逆散射測量(2/2)2000 ~ 2001國科會
    血液、骨與其它生物組織的超音波逆散射測量(1/2)1999 ~ 2000國科會


    計畫名稱 起迄日期 補助單位
    反射式光學元件光路評估與設計2007 ~ 2008達楷生醫科技股份有限公司
    微小電生理訊號處理之ASIC 技術實現2005 ~ 2006達楷生醫科技股份有限公司
    微小電生理訊號處理之ASIC 技術開發先期評估2004 ~ 2005達楷生醫科技股份有限公司
    高頻超音波測量人體組織之特性研究2003 ~ 2003工業技術研究院
    高頻超音波測量人體組織之特性研究2002 ~ 2002工業技術研究院
    新參數人體組織診斷檢測技術研究2001 ~ 2001工業技術研究院
    超音波針灸儀系統之研發及其可行性研究1998 ~ 1999衛生署中醫藥委員會



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    • 第一屆亞太生物醫學工程創意競賽銀牌獎
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    • 2013生物醫學工程科技研討會海報論文告特優獎


    • APCMBE 2014(2014)