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郭淑美教授聯絡方式系所別:資訊系 / 資訊所 / 醫資所 / AI學程 電話:06-2757575 ext 62525 E-mail:guosm@mail.ncku.edu.tw 實驗室:智慧型數位影像處理實驗室 (資訊系館新大樓4F 65403) |
專長及研究領域影像處理(人臉表情辨識、影像壓縮...)、人工智慧(深度學習、遺傳基因演算法...)、醫療影像處理(肺癌、乳癌、心臟疾病…)、智慧型遺傳基因演算法(進化計算論)、模糊理論、智慧型系統控制 學歷美國 \ 美國休斯頓大學 \ 電腦系統工程 \ 博士(0000 ~ 0000) 美國 \ 美國紐澤西理工大學 \ 電腦科學 \ 碩士(0000 ~ 0000) 經歷成功大學 \ 醫學資訊研究所 \ 所長 (0000 ~ now) IEEE國際電子電機工程學會 \ \ 副理事長 (0000 ~ now) IEEE 國際電子電機工程學會, 女性工程師WIE \ \ 主席 (0000 ~ now) 經濟部工業局提升資訊軟體品質計畫「CMMI 導入專案」 \ \ 審議委員 (0000 ~ now) 中華工程教育學會(IEET) \ \ 認證委員 (0000 ~ now) 經濟部技術處中小企業研提小型企業創新研發計畫 \ \ 審查委員 (0000 ~ now) 台灣台南軟體協會 \ \ 常務監事 (0000 ~ now) 經濟部技術處中小企業研提小型企業創新研發計畫(SBIR) \ \ 審查委員 (0000 ~ now) 中華工程教育學會(IEET) \ \ 認證委員 (0000 ~ now) 考試院 \ \ 典試委員 (0000 ~ now) |
著作Refereed Papers 1. "Improving differential evolution with successful-parent-selecting framework" IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation((Rank = 1/102; IF = 5.545)SCI 2. "Enhancing Differential Evolution Utilizing Eigenvector-Based Crossover Operator" IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (Rank = 1/102; IF = 5.545)SCI 3. "Evolutionary fuzzy block-matching based camera raw image denoising" IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Ranking = 1/22 = 4.5%; IF = 4.943)SCI 4. "Genetic-based fuzzy image filter and its application to image processing" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part B 5. "3-D localization of clustered microcalcifications using cranio-caudal and medio-lateral oblique views" Computerized Medical Imaging and GraphicsSCI, EI 6. "Observer-type Kalman innovation filter for uncertain linear time-invariant systems" IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic SystemsSCI, EI 7. "Evolutionary-programming-based Kalman filter for uncertain discrete-time nonlinear systems" Asian Journal of ControlSCI, EI 8. Guo, S. M., Yang, C. C., Hsu, P. H., "Improving differential evolution with " IEEE Transactions on SCI 9. "An intelligent image agent based on soft-computing techniques for color image processing" Expert Systems with ApplicationsSCI, EI 10. "Apply object-oriented technology to construct Chinese news ontology on the internet" Journal of Internet TechnologySCI, EI 11. "An observer-based decentralized tracker for sampled-data systems: An evolutionary programming approach" International Journal of General SystemsSCI, EI 12. "Genetic-based fuzzy image filter and its application to image processing" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part BSCI, EI 13. "3-D localization of clustered microcalcifications using cranio-caudal and medio-lateral oblique views" Computerized Medical Imaging and GraphicsSCI, EI 14. "Evolutionary-programming-based tracker for hybrid chaotic interval systems" IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and InformationEI 15. "Observer with evolutionary -programming-based optimal digital tracker for analog neutral multiple time-delay systems" Applied Mathematics and Computation.SCI, EI 16. "Enlargement and reduction of image/video via discrete cosine transform pair--- Part II: reduction" Journal of Electronic ImagingSCI, EI 17. "An improved set partitioning embedded block scheme for still image compression" Journal of Electronic ImagingSCI, EI 18. "JPEG 2000 wavelet filter design framework with chaos evolutionary programming" Journal of Signal ProcessingSCI, EI 19. "EP-based adaptive tracker with observer and fault estimator for nonlinear time-varying sampled-data systems against actuator failures" Journal of The Franklin InstituteSCI, EI 20. "A boundary method for outlier detection based on support vector domain description" Pattern RecognitionSCI, EI 21. "Novel wavelet-based image interpolations in lifting structures for image resolution enhancement" Journal of Electronic ImagingSCI, EI 22. "Fuzzy similarity measure based hybrid image filter for color image restoration: Multi-methodology evolutionary computation" Journal of Electronic ImagingSCI, EI 23. "Fast pixel-size-based large scale enlargement and reduction of image: An adaptive combination of bilinear interpolation and DCT" Journal of Electronic ImagingSCI, EI 24. "Mass Detection in Mammograms" International Journal on Computer, Consumer and ControlSCI, EI 25. "An efficient SVDD-based boundary method for multiclass classification problems" Journal of the Chinese Institute of EngineeringSCI, EI 26. "Efficient Block-Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm" Journal of Electronic ImagingSCI, EI 27. "An improved bidimensional empirical mode decomposition: A mean approach for fast decomposition" Signal ProcessingSCI, EI 28. "Enhancing Differential Evolution Utilizing Eigenvector-Based Crossover Operator" IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationSCI, EI 29. "Improving differential evolution with successful-parent-selecting framework" IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationSCI 30. "Evolutionary fuzzy block-matching based camera raw image denoising" IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Accepted for publication(2015; Ranking = 1/22 = 4.5%; IF = 4.943)SCI 31. "State-space self-tuning control for nonlinear stochastic hybrid systems" International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Conference Papers 國際會議 1. "Adaptive control for nonlinear stochastic hybrid systems with input saturation" Third-Fourth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), Hawaii, USA. 2. "Genetic-based fuzzy image filter for image processing" 10th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, pp. 22-27, Taipei, Taiwan. 3. "Prioritized traffic-dependent task scheduling approach in embedded operation system" 2002 International Computer Symposium, Hualien, Taiwan. 4. "Computer-aided diagnosis in mammography" 13th International Congress on the Ultrasonic Examination of the Breast, pp.67-68, April 6-8, Kyoto, Japan. 5. "Ontology-based Q&A Extractor for Q&A System" 2003 The Joint Conference on AI, Fuzzy System, and Grey System, Taiwan 6. "Mass detection using a texture feature coding method" 13th International Congress on the Ultrasonic Examination of the Breast, Japan. 7. "基於ontology架構之模糊影像辨識系統" 2003 人工智慧、模糊系統及灰色系統聯合研討會, Taipei, Taiwan. 8. "智慧型自動化臉部表情辨識系統" 2003 人工智慧、模糊系統及灰色系統聯合研討會, Taipei, Taiwan. 9. "Apply object-oriented technology to construct Chinese news ontology on internet" 第十五屆物件導向技術及應用研討會,台南. 10. "A neural (Novel) fuzzy filter for impulse noise removal" 2004 International Symposium on Neural Networks, China., pp. 375-380. 11. "Weighted fuzzy ontology for Chinese e-news summarization" 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Hungary, pp. 843-848. 12. "Apply FNN model to construct ontology-based Q&A system" The 5th WSEAS International Conference on Telecommunications and Informatics, Mexico. 13. "Modeling and optimal digital tracker for analog neutral delay systems" The 7th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, (CA 2005), Cancun, Mexico, pp.233-238. 14. "Introduction to the programming with personal software process curriculum" the First Taiwan Software Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. 15. "Teaching the personal software process course: experiences and results" The First Taiwan Software Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. 16. "3D ROC Analysis for Medical Imaging Diagnosis" The 27th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shianghai , China. 17. "Semi-Automatic Construction of Affection Ontology and Its Application on Emotion Identification" The 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 18. "Semi-Automatic Construction of Affection Ontology and Its Application on Emotion Identification" The 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 19. "基於知識本體之文件處理之研究" The 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 20. "A key frame selection-based facial expression recognition system" Proceeding of IEEE 2006 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 3, pp.341- 344, ISBN: 0-7695-2616-0, Beijing, China 21. "以UML 2為基礎之多代理人塑模方法" 第二屆台灣軟體工程研討會暨軟體工程聯盟課程教材成果發表會, Taipei, Taiwan. 22. "26-Experiences and Results after One-Semester Personal Software Process Course at National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan," the Second Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan. 23. "7-Requirements Modeling through Experience-Based Approach" the Second Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan. 24. "Adaptive tracker for nonlinear time-varying systems against actuator failures" IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control (MIC 2006), Lanzarote, Spain. 25. "Enhanced SLCCA Image Compression" IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2006 International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Victoria, Canada. 26. "Feature Selection Strategy for Mass Detection in Mammograms" 19th IPPR conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Taipei, Taiwan. 27. "Chaos Evolutionary Programming Based JPEG Quantization Table Generation Scheme," [1] the fifth INFOS international conference, Cairo, Egypt. 28. "Optimal Digital Tracker for Analog Neutral Multiple Time-Delay Systems via Evolutionary Programming and High Gain Approach" The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Guangzhou, China. 29. "Visual-Guided Robot Arm Using Self-Supervised Deep Convolution Neural Networks" The 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering |
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