一、應徵資格:具國內外資訊工程及電機等相關之博士學位。 二、專長:資訊工程相關領域。 三、起聘日期:預定103年2月起聘。 四、工作內容:依規定授課與指導研究生進行研究工作。 五、應徵資料:履歷自傳、研究所成績單、著作目錄,代表作全文三篇、推薦信三封及博士畢業證書影本(國外學歷需經駐外單位驗證)與相關證明文件資料及其他有利審查之參考資料 六、請至http://www.csie.ncku.edu.tw/new/nckucsie/index.php 另填寫附件(或附檔之附件一),並以mail方式回傳,請於102年3月31日前掛號郵寄(以郵戳為憑) 或親自送至本系 ,其封面請註明應徵者姓名及應徵資訊工程學系教師字樣 將以上書面資料逕寄「台南市大學路一號國立成功大學資訊工程學系教師聘任委員會」 詳細內容請參閱 http://www.csie.ncku.edu.tw/new/nckucsie/index.php 承辦人黃小姐電話:(06)2757575 ext 62500 ext 16 傳真:06-2747076 e-mail: irishuang@mail.ncku.edu.tw
The Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Cheng Kung University invites applications for a full-time faculty position on all levels, effective Aug. 1, 2013. 1. Applicants must possess Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science or closely related disciplines. 2. The appointment shall be starting from August 1st , 2013 3. Duties include supervising graduate students and teaching courses of both undergraduate and graduate level. 4. Candidates shall submit following documents with application (1) Letter of application (2) Curriculum vitae (3) Publication list (4) Reprints of 3 representative publications (5) Proof of Ph.D. diploma (Diplomas received in foreign country shall be officially verified by the office of foreign affairs of Taiwan) (6) 3 Reference Letters (7) Please download and fill the attached on http://www.csie.ncku.edu.tw/new/nckucsie/index.php then e-mail back to irishuang@mail.ncku.edu.tw (8) Other documents with useful information for recruitment 5. Applications shall be sent to by March 31st , 2013 Faculty Recruitment Committee
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