2021-11-18 | Normal. [轉知教務處課務組訊息]尊重智慧財產權觀念宣導--請使用正版教學用書,勿使用非法電子書或於社群平臺轉貼境外疑似侵權網站網址供他人連結。 |
2021-11-17 | Normal. "SEMICON Taiwan 2021 International Semiconductor Exhibition" |
2021-11-16 | Normal. TCS Global Coding Contest - CodeVita 10th starts registration now ! |
2021-11-09 | impt. (提醒)有關國圖論文延後公開未補資料 |
2021-11-09 | Normal. Fun AI Winter Camp |
2021-11-08 | Dept. |
2021-11-03 | impt. (幫各所前班代轉知)選班代,畢代,畢編 |
2021-10-26 | impt. Result of the first stage of the review of the 111th academic year of the master's degree in artificial intelligence technology |
2021-10-25 | impt. |
2021-10-21 | Normal. Postponement announcement: 2022 VLSI-DAT Symposium paper collection |